Commit 81098ac1 authored by Tim Peters's avatar Tim Peters


parent fdc03462
......@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ text mode pickles, and sometimes faster too; e.g., BININT represents a 4-byte
int as 4 bytes following the opcode, which is cheaper to unpickle than the
(perhaps) 11-character decimal string attached to INT. Protocol 1 also added
a number of opcodes that operate on many stack elements at once (like APPENDS
and SETITEMS), and "shortcut" opcodes (like EMPTY_DICT and EMPTY_TUPLE).
The third major set of additions came in Python 2.3, and is called "protocol
2". This added:
......@@ -1148,6 +1148,8 @@ opcodes = [
Stack before: ... pylist anyobject
Stack after: ... pylist+[anyobject]
although pylist is really extended in-place.
......@@ -1160,6 +1162,8 @@ opcodes = [
Stack before: ... pylist markobject stackslice
Stack after: ... pylist+stackslice
although pylist is really extended in-place.
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