Commit 819b8bf4 authored by Christian Heimes's avatar Christian Heimes

More PyImport_ImportModule -> PyImport_ImportModuleNoBlock

parent 072c0f1b
......@@ -452,7 +452,7 @@ fp_setreadl(struct tok_state *tok, const char* enc)
PyObject *readline = NULL, *stream = NULL, *io = NULL;
io = PyImport_ImportModule("io");
io = PyImport_ImportModuleNoBlock("io");
if (io == NULL)
goto cleanup;
......@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ new_identifier(const char* n, PyArena *arena)
identifier; if so, normalize to NFKC. */
for (; *u; u++) {
if (*u >= 128) {
PyObject *m = PyImport_ImportModule("unicodedata");
PyObject *m = PyImport_ImportModuleNoBlock("unicodedata");
PyObject *id2;
if (!m)
return NULL;
......@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ static PyObject *
builtin_filter(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
PyObject *itertools, *ifilter, *result;
itertools = PyImport_ImportModule("itertools");
itertools = PyImport_ImportModuleNoBlock("itertools");
if (itertools == NULL)
return NULL;
ifilter = PyObject_GetAttrString(itertools, "ifilter");
......@@ -796,7 +796,7 @@ static PyObject *
builtin_map(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
PyObject *itertools, *imap, *result;
itertools = PyImport_ImportModule("itertools");
itertools = PyImport_ImportModuleNoBlock("itertools");
if (itertools == NULL)
return NULL;
imap = PyObject_GetAttrString(itertools, "imap");
......@@ -850,7 +850,7 @@ static int _PyCodecRegistry_Init(void)
interp->codec_error_registry == NULL)
Py_FatalError("can't initialize codec registry");
mod = PyImport_ImportModuleLevel("encodings", NULL, NULL, NULL, 0);
mod = PyImport_ImportModuleNoBlock("encodings");
if (mod == NULL) {
if (PyErr_ExceptionMatches(PyExc_ImportError)) {
/* Ignore ImportErrors... this is done so that
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