Commit 820273d6 authored by Barry Warsaw's avatar Barry Warsaw

More ME patches:

(py-execute-import-or-reload): Cool new command that imports or
reloads the current file as a module, so as not to clutter the global
namespace.  Bound to C-c C-m.

(py-execute-def-or-class): New command that sends the current def or
class to the interpreter.  Bound to C-M-x.

(py-execute-string): New command that sends arbitrary string to the
interpreter.  Not bound by default.

(py-describe-mode): Doco updates.
parent ab0e86cb
......@@ -578,7 +578,9 @@ Currently-active file is at the head of the list.")
(define-key py-mode-map "\C-c>" 'py-shift-region-right)
;; subprocess commands
(define-key py-mode-map "\C-c\C-c" 'py-execute-buffer)
(define-key py-mode-map "\C-c\C-m" 'py-execute-import-or-reload)
(define-key py-mode-map "\C-c|" 'py-execute-region)
(define-key py-mode-map "\e\C-x" 'py-execute-def-or-class)
(define-key py-mode-map "\C-c!" 'py-shell)
(define-key py-mode-map "\C-c\C-t" 'py-toggle-shells)
;; Caution! Enter here at your own risk. We are trying to support
......@@ -709,8 +711,10 @@ package. Note that the latest X/Emacs releases contain this package.")
["Shift region left" py-shift-region-left (mark)]
["Shift region right" py-shift-region-right (mark)]
["Import/reload file" py-execute-import-or-reload t]
["Execute buffer" py-execute-buffer t]
["Execute region" py-execute-region (mark)]
["Execute def or class" py-execute-def-or-class (mark)]
["Start interpreter..." py-shell t]
["Go to start of block" py-goto-block-up t]
......@@ -1274,6 +1278,7 @@ filter."
(setq py-file-queue nil)
(message "%d pending files de-queued." n)))
(defun py-execute-region (start end &optional async)
"Execute the the region in a Python interpreter.
The region is first copied into a temporary file (in the directory
......@@ -1336,7 +1341,8 @@ is inserted at the end. See also the command `py-clear-queue'."
;; Code execution command
;; Code execution commands
(defun py-execute-buffer (&optional async)
"Send the contents of the buffer to a Python interpreter.
If the file local variable `py-master-file' is non-nil, execute the
......@@ -1355,6 +1361,76 @@ See the `\\[py-execute-region]' docs for an account of some subtleties."
(set-buffer buffer)))
(py-execute-region (point-min) (point-max) async))
(defun py-execute-import-or-reload (&optional async)
"Import the current buffer's file in a Python interpreter.
If the file has already been imported, then do reload instead to get
the latest version. If the file's name does not end in \".py\", then
do execfile instead. If the current buffer is not visiting a file, do
`py-execute-buffer' instead. If the file local variable
`py-master-file' is non-nil, import or reload the named file instead
of the buffer's file. The file is saved if necessary.
See the `\\[py-execute-region]' docs for an account of some subtleties.
This is may be preferable to `\\[py-execute-buffer]' because:
- Definitions stay in their module rather than appearing at top
level, where they would clutter the global namespace and not affect
uses of qualified names (MODULE.NAME).
- The Python debugger gets line number information about the functions."
(interactive "P")
;; Check file local variable py-master-file
(if py-master-file
(let* ((filename (expand-file-name py-master-file))
(buffer (or (get-file-buffer filename)
(find-file-noselect filename))))
(set-buffer buffer)))
(let ((file (buffer-file-name (current-buffer))))
(if file
; (if (buffer-modified-p)
; ;; avoid message if unmodified
; (save-buffer))
(if (string-match "\\.py$" file)
(let ((f (file-name-sans-extension
(file-name-nondirectory file))))
(format "if globals().has_key('%s'):\n reload(%s)\nelse:\n import %s\n"
f f f))
(format "execfile('%s')\n" file))
;; else
(py-execute-buffer async))))
(defun py-execute-def-or-class (&optional async)
"Send the current function or class definition to a Python interpreter.
If there is a *Python* process buffer it is used.
See the `\\[py-execute-region]' docs for an account of some subtleties."
(interactive "P")
;; mark is before point
(py-execute-region (mark) (point) async)))
(defun py-execute-string (string &optional async)
"Send the argument string to a Python interpreter.
If there is a *Python* process buffer it is used.
See the `\\[py-execute-region]' docs for an account of some subtleties."
(interactive "sExecute Python command: ")
(set-buffer (get-buffer-create
(generate-new-buffer-name " *Python Command*")))
(insert string)
(py-execute-region (point-min) (point-max) async)))
(defun py-jump-to-exception (file line)
......@@ -1373,7 +1449,7 @@ See the `\\[py-execute-region]' docs for an account of some subtleties."
file t))))))
(pop-to-buffer buffer)
;; Force Python mode
(if (not (eq major-mode) 'python-mode)
(if (not (eq major-mode 'python-mode))
(goto-line line)
(message "Jumping to exception in file %s on line %d" file line)))
......@@ -2103,7 +2179,7 @@ If you want to mark the current `def', see `\\[py-mark-def-or-class]'."
(t (error "internal error in py-end-of-def-or-class")))))
;; Backwards compabitility
(defalias 'py-end-of-def-or-class 'py-end-of-def-or-class)
(defalias 'end-of-python-def-or-class 'py-end-of-def-or-class)
;; Functions for marking regions
......@@ -2386,12 +2462,18 @@ variable docs begin with `->'.
\\[py-execute-import-or-reload]\timports or reloads the file in the Python interpreter
\\[py-execute-buffer]\tsends the entire buffer to the Python interpreter
\\[py-execute-region]\tsends the current region
\\[py-execute-def-or-class]\tsends the current function or class definition
\\[py-execute-string]\tsends an arbitrary string
\\[py-shell]\tstarts a Python interpreter window; this will be used by
\tsubsequent \\[py-execute-buffer] or \\[py-execute-region] commands
\tsubsequent Python execution commands
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