Commit 82cbab9c authored by Éric Araujo's avatar Éric Araujo

Slight cleanup in distutils test_dist.

I have tests to add in this file and it’s always nice to start from a
clean base.
parent 00c9bc33
......@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ class DistributionTestCase(support.LoggingSilencer,
["distutils.command", "", "distutils.tests"])
cmd = d.get_command_obj("test_dist")
self.assertTrue(isinstance(cmd, test_dist))
self.assertIsInstance(cmd, test_dist)
self.assertEqual(cmd.sample_option, "sometext")
def test_command_packages_configfile(self):
......@@ -106,28 +106,23 @@ class DistributionTestCase(support.LoggingSilencer,
def test_empty_options(self):
# an empty options dictionary should not stay in the
# list of attributes
klass = Distribution
# catching warnings
warns = []
def _warn(msg):
old_warn = warnings.warn
self.addCleanup(setattr, warnings, 'warn', warnings.warn)
warnings.warn = _warn
dist = klass(attrs={'author': 'xxx',
'name': 'xxx',
'version': 'xxx',
'url': 'xxxx',
'options': {}})
warnings.warn = old_warn
dist = Distribution(attrs={'author': 'xxx', 'name': 'xxx',
'version': 'xxx', 'url': 'xxxx',
'options': {}})
self.assertEqual(len(warns), 0)
self.assertNotIn('options', dir(dist))
def test_finalize_options(self):
attrs = {'keywords': 'one,two',
'platforms': 'one,two'}
......@@ -150,7 +145,6 @@ class DistributionTestCase(support.LoggingSilencer,
cmds = dist.get_command_packages()
self.assertEqual(cmds, ['distutils.command', 'one', 'two'])
def test_announce(self):
# make sure the level is known
dist = Distribution()
......@@ -158,6 +152,7 @@ class DistributionTestCase(support.LoggingSilencer,
kwargs = {'level': 'ok2'}
self.assertRaises(ValueError, dist.announce, args, kwargs)
class MetadataTestCase(support.TempdirManager, support.EnvironGuard,
......@@ -170,15 +165,20 @@ class MetadataTestCase(support.TempdirManager, support.EnvironGuard,
sys.argv[:] = self.argv[1]
super(MetadataTestCase, self).tearDown()
def format_metadata(self, dist):
sio = io.StringIO()
return sio.getvalue()
def test_simple_metadata(self):
attrs = {"name": "package",
"version": "1.0"}
dist = Distribution(attrs)
meta = self.format_metadata(dist)
self.assertTrue("Metadata-Version: 1.0" in meta)
self.assertTrue("provides:" not in meta.lower())
self.assertTrue("requires:" not in meta.lower())
self.assertTrue("obsoletes:" not in meta.lower())
self.assertIn("Metadata-Version: 1.0", meta)
self.assertNotIn("provides:", meta.lower())
self.assertNotIn("requires:", meta.lower())
self.assertNotIn("obsoletes:", meta.lower())
def test_provides(self):
attrs = {"name": "package",
......@@ -190,9 +190,9 @@ class MetadataTestCase(support.TempdirManager, support.EnvironGuard,
["package", "package.sub"])
meta = self.format_metadata(dist)
self.assertTrue("Metadata-Version: 1.1" in meta)
self.assertTrue("requires:" not in meta.lower())
self.assertTrue("obsoletes:" not in meta.lower())
self.assertIn("Metadata-Version: 1.1", meta)
self.assertNotIn("requires:", meta.lower())
self.assertNotIn("obsoletes:", meta.lower())
def test_provides_illegal(self):
self.assertRaises(ValueError, Distribution,
......@@ -210,11 +210,11 @@ class MetadataTestCase(support.TempdirManager, support.EnvironGuard,
["other", "another (==1.0)"])
meta = self.format_metadata(dist)
self.assertTrue("Metadata-Version: 1.1" in meta)
self.assertTrue("provides:" not in meta.lower())
self.assertTrue("Requires: other" in meta)
self.assertTrue("Requires: another (==1.0)" in meta)
self.assertTrue("obsoletes:" not in meta.lower())
self.assertIn("Metadata-Version: 1.1", meta)
self.assertNotIn("provides:", meta.lower())
self.assertIn("Requires: other", meta)
self.assertIn("Requires: another (==1.0)", meta)
self.assertNotIn("obsoletes:", meta.lower())
def test_requires_illegal(self):
self.assertRaises(ValueError, Distribution,
......@@ -232,11 +232,11 @@ class MetadataTestCase(support.TempdirManager, support.EnvironGuard,
["other", "another (<1.0)"])
meta = self.format_metadata(dist)
self.assertTrue("Metadata-Version: 1.1" in meta)
self.assertTrue("provides:" not in meta.lower())
self.assertTrue("requires:" not in meta.lower())
self.assertTrue("Obsoletes: other" in meta)
self.assertTrue("Obsoletes: another (<1.0)" in meta)
self.assertIn("Metadata-Version: 1.1", meta)
self.assertNotIn("provides:", meta.lower())
self.assertNotIn("requires:", meta.lower())
self.assertIn("Obsoletes: other", meta)
self.assertIn("Obsoletes: another (<1.0)", meta)
def test_obsoletes_illegal(self):
self.assertRaises(ValueError, Distribution,
......@@ -244,10 +244,20 @@ class MetadataTestCase(support.TempdirManager, support.EnvironGuard,
"version": "1.0",
"obsoletes": ["my.pkg (splat)"]})
def format_metadata(self, dist):
sio = io.StringIO()
return sio.getvalue()
def test_long_description(self):
long_desc = textwrap.dedent("""\
We start here
and continue here
and end here.""")
attrs = {"name": "package",
"version": "1.0",
"long_description": long_desc}
dist = Distribution(attrs)
meta = self.format_metadata(dist)
meta = meta.replace('\n' + 8 * ' ', '\n')
self.assertIn(long_desc, meta)
def test_custom_pydistutils(self):
# fixes #2166
......@@ -272,14 +282,14 @@ class MetadataTestCase(support.TempdirManager, support.EnvironGuard,
if sys.platform in ('linux', 'darwin'):
os.environ['HOME'] = temp_dir
files = dist.find_config_files()
self.assertTrue(user_filename in files)
self.assertIn(user_filename, files)
# win32-style
if sys.platform == 'win32':
# home drive should be found
os.environ['HOME'] = temp_dir
files = dist.find_config_files()
self.assertTrue(user_filename in files,
self.assertIn(user_filename, files,
'%r not found in %r' % (user_filename, files))
......@@ -301,22 +311,8 @@ class MetadataTestCase(support.TempdirManager, support.EnvironGuard,
output = [line for line in s.getvalue().split('\n')
if line.strip() != '']
self.assertTrue(len(output) > 0)
def test_long_description(self):
long_desc = textwrap.dedent("""\
We start here
and continue here
and end here.""")
attrs = {"name": "package",
"version": "1.0",
"long_description": long_desc}
dist = Distribution(attrs)
meta = self.format_metadata(dist)
meta = meta.replace('\n' + 8 * ' ', '\n')
self.assertTrue(long_desc in meta)
def test_suite():
suite = unittest.TestSuite()
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