Commit 833dfd52 authored by Greg Ward's avatar Greg Ward

Added command description.

Added 'build_clib' and 'build_temp' options (where to put C libraries
  and where to put temporary compiler by-products, ie. object files).
Moved the call to 'check_library_list()' from 'run()' to 'finalize_options()'
  -- that way, if we're going to crash we do so earlier, and we guarantee
  that the library list is valid before we do anything (not just run).
Disallow directory separators in library names -- the compiled library
  always goes right in 'build_clib'.
Added 'get_library_names()', so the "build_ext" command knows what
  libraries to link every extension with.
parent 49ffce17
......@@ -28,12 +28,21 @@ from distutils.ccompiler import new_compiler
class build_lib (Command):
description = "build C/C++ libraries used by Python extensions"
user_options = [
('build-clib', 'b',
"directory to build C/C++ libraries to"),
('build-temp', 't',
"directory to put temporary build by-products"),
('debug', 'g',
"compile with debugging information"),
def initialize_options (self):
self.build_clib = None
self.build_temp = None
# List of libraries to build
self.libraries = None
......@@ -45,10 +54,23 @@ class build_lib (Command):
# initialize_options()
def finalize_options (self):
# This might be confusing: both build-clib and build-temp default
# to build-temp as defined by the "build" command. This is because
# I think that C libraries are really just temporary build
# by-products, at least from the point of view of building Python
# extensions -- but I want to keep my options open.
self.set_undefined_options ('build',
('build_temp', 'build_clib'),
('build_temp', 'build_temp'),
('debug', 'debug'))
self.libraries = self.distribution.libraries
if self.libraries:
self.check_library_list (self.libraries)
if self.include_dirs is None:
self.include_dirs = self.distribution.include_dirs or []
if type (self.include_dirs) is StringType:
......@@ -65,7 +87,6 @@ class build_lib (Command):
if not self.libraries:
self.check_library_list (self.libraries)
# Yech -- this is cut 'n pasted from!
self.compiler = new_compiler (plat=os.environ.get ('PLAT'),
......@@ -110,6 +131,12 @@ class build_lib (Command):
raise DistutilsValueError, \
"first element of each tuple in 'libraries' " + \
"must be a string (the library name)"
if '/' in lib[0] or (os.sep != '/' and os.sep in lib[0]):
raise DistutilsValueError, \
("bad library name '%s': " +
"may not contain directory separators") % \
if type (lib[1]) is not DictionaryType:
raise DistutilsValueError, \
"second element of each tuple in 'libraries' " + \
......@@ -119,6 +146,21 @@ class build_lib (Command):
# check_library_list ()
def get_library_names (self):
# Assume the library list is valid -- 'check_library_list()' is
# called from 'finalize_options()', so it should be!
if not self.libraries:
return None
lib_names = []
for (lib_name, build_info) in self.libraries:
lib_names.append (lib_name)
return lib_names
# get_library_names ()
def build_libraries (self, libraries):
compiler = self.compiler
......@@ -134,35 +176,27 @@ class build_lib (Command):
self.announce ("building '%s' library" % lib_name)
# Extract the directory the library is intended to go in --
# note translation from "universal" slash-separated form to
# current platform's pathname convention (so we can use the
# string for actual filesystem use).
path = tuple (string.split (lib_name, '/')[:-1])
if path:
lib_dir = apply (os.path.join, path)
lib_dir = ''
# First, compile the source code to object files in the library
# directory. (This should probably change to putting object
# files in a temporary build directory.)
macros = build_info.get ('macros')
include_dirs = build_info.get ('include_dirs')
objects = self.compiler.compile (sources,
# Now "link" the object files together into a static library.
# (On Unix at least, this isn't really linking -- it just
# builds an archive. Whatever.)
self.compiler.link_static_lib (objects, lib_name, debug=self.debug)
self.compiler.link_static_lib (objects, lib_name,
# for libraries
# build_libraries ()
# class BuildLib
......@@ -28,12 +28,21 @@ from distutils.ccompiler import new_compiler
class build_lib (Command):
description = "build C/C++ libraries used by Python extensions"
user_options = [
('build-clib', 'b',
"directory to build C/C++ libraries to"),
('build-temp', 't',
"directory to put temporary build by-products"),
('debug', 'g',
"compile with debugging information"),
def initialize_options (self):
self.build_clib = None
self.build_temp = None
# List of libraries to build
self.libraries = None
......@@ -45,10 +54,23 @@ class build_lib (Command):
# initialize_options()
def finalize_options (self):
# This might be confusing: both build-clib and build-temp default
# to build-temp as defined by the "build" command. This is because
# I think that C libraries are really just temporary build
# by-products, at least from the point of view of building Python
# extensions -- but I want to keep my options open.
self.set_undefined_options ('build',
('build_temp', 'build_clib'),
('build_temp', 'build_temp'),
('debug', 'debug'))
self.libraries = self.distribution.libraries
if self.libraries:
self.check_library_list (self.libraries)
if self.include_dirs is None:
self.include_dirs = self.distribution.include_dirs or []
if type (self.include_dirs) is StringType:
......@@ -65,7 +87,6 @@ class build_lib (Command):
if not self.libraries:
self.check_library_list (self.libraries)
# Yech -- this is cut 'n pasted from!
self.compiler = new_compiler (plat=os.environ.get ('PLAT'),
......@@ -110,6 +131,12 @@ class build_lib (Command):
raise DistutilsValueError, \
"first element of each tuple in 'libraries' " + \
"must be a string (the library name)"
if '/' in lib[0] or (os.sep != '/' and os.sep in lib[0]):
raise DistutilsValueError, \
("bad library name '%s': " +
"may not contain directory separators") % \
if type (lib[1]) is not DictionaryType:
raise DistutilsValueError, \
"second element of each tuple in 'libraries' " + \
......@@ -119,6 +146,21 @@ class build_lib (Command):
# check_library_list ()
def get_library_names (self):
# Assume the library list is valid -- 'check_library_list()' is
# called from 'finalize_options()', so it should be!
if not self.libraries:
return None
lib_names = []
for (lib_name, build_info) in self.libraries:
lib_names.append (lib_name)
return lib_names
# get_library_names ()
def build_libraries (self, libraries):
compiler = self.compiler
......@@ -134,35 +176,27 @@ class build_lib (Command):
self.announce ("building '%s' library" % lib_name)
# Extract the directory the library is intended to go in --
# note translation from "universal" slash-separated form to
# current platform's pathname convention (so we can use the
# string for actual filesystem use).
path = tuple (string.split (lib_name, '/')[:-1])
if path:
lib_dir = apply (os.path.join, path)
lib_dir = ''
# First, compile the source code to object files in the library
# directory. (This should probably change to putting object
# files in a temporary build directory.)
macros = build_info.get ('macros')
include_dirs = build_info.get ('include_dirs')
objects = self.compiler.compile (sources,
# Now "link" the object files together into a static library.
# (On Unix at least, this isn't really linking -- it just
# builds an archive. Whatever.)
self.compiler.link_static_lib (objects, lib_name, debug=self.debug)
self.compiler.link_static_lib (objects, lib_name,
# for libraries
# build_libraries ()
# class BuildLib
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