Commit 83e80279 authored by Serhiy Storchaka's avatar Serhiy Storchaka

Issue #22818: Splitting on a pattern that could match an empty string now

raises a warning.  Patterns that can only match empty strings are now
parent 32ca3dcb
......@@ -626,17 +626,37 @@ form.
That way, separator components are always found at the same relative
indices within the result list.
Note that *split* will never split a string on an empty pattern match.
For example:
.. note::
:func:`split` doesn't currently split a string on an empty pattern match.
For example:
>>> re.split('x*', 'axbc')
['a', 'bc']
>>> re.split('x*', 'foo')
>>> re.split("(?m)^$", "foo\n\nbar\n")
Even though ``'x*'`` also matches 0 'x' before 'a', between 'b' and 'c',
and after 'c', currently these matches are ignored. The correct behavior
(i.e. splitting on empty matches too and returning ``['', 'a', 'b', 'c',
'']``) will be implemented in future versions of Python, but since this
is a backward incompatible change, a :exc:`FutureWarning` will be raised
in the meanwhile.
Patterns that can only match empty strings currently never split the
string. Since this doesn't match the expected behavior, a
:exc:`ValueError` will be raised starting from Python 3.5::
>>> re.split("^$", "foo\n\nbar\n", flags=re.M)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ValueError: split() requires a non-empty pattern match.
.. versionchanged:: 3.1
Added the optional flags argument.
.. versionchanged:: 3.5
Splitting on a pattern that could match an empty string now raises
a warning. Patterns that can only match empty strings are now rejected.
.. function:: findall(pattern, string, flags=0)
......@@ -482,6 +482,13 @@ Changes in the Python API
simply define :meth:`~importlib.machinery.Loader.create_module` to return
``None`` (:issue:`23014`).
* :func:`re.split` always ignored empty pattern matches, so the ``'x*'``
pattern worked the same as ``'x+'``, and the ``'\b'`` pattern never worked.
Now :func:`re.split` raises a warning if the pattern could match
an empty string. For compatibility use patterns that never match an empty
string (e.g. ``'x+'`` instead of ``'x*'``). Patterns that could only match
an empty string (such as ``'\b'``) now raise an error.
Changes in the C API
......@@ -414,8 +414,11 @@ def _compile_info(code, pattern, flags):
# this contains min/max pattern width, and an optional literal
# prefix or a character map
lo, hi = pattern.getwidth()
if hi > MAXCODE:
if lo == 0:
return # not worth it
code.extend([INFO, 4, 0, lo, hi])
# look for a literal prefix
prefix = []
prefixappend = prefix.append
......@@ -495,10 +498,7 @@ def _compile_info(code, pattern, flags):
prefix = prefix[:MAXCODE]
if hi < MAXCODE:
emit(min(hi, MAXCODE))
# add literal prefix
if prefix:
emit(len(prefix)) # length
......@@ -251,28 +251,28 @@ class ReTests(unittest.TestCase):
for string in ":a:b::c", S(":a:b::c"):
self.assertTypedEqual(re.split(":", string),
['', 'a', 'b', '', 'c'])
self.assertTypedEqual(re.split(":*", string),
self.assertTypedEqual(re.split(":+", string),
['', 'a', 'b', 'c'])
self.assertTypedEqual(re.split("(:*)", string),
self.assertTypedEqual(re.split("(:+)", string),
['', ':', 'a', ':', 'b', '::', 'c'])
for string in (b":a:b::c", B(b":a:b::c"), bytearray(b":a:b::c"),
self.assertTypedEqual(re.split(b":", string),
[b'', b'a', b'b', b'', b'c'])
self.assertTypedEqual(re.split(b":*", string),
self.assertTypedEqual(re.split(b":+", string),
[b'', b'a', b'b', b'c'])
self.assertTypedEqual(re.split(b"(:*)", string),
self.assertTypedEqual(re.split(b"(:+)", string),
[b'', b':', b'a', b':', b'b', b'::', b'c'])
for a, b, c in ("\xe0\xdf\xe7", "\u0430\u0431\u0432",
string = ":%s:%s::%s" % (a, b, c)
self.assertEqual(re.split(":", string), ['', a, b, '', c])
self.assertEqual(re.split(":*", string), ['', a, b, c])
self.assertEqual(re.split("(:*)", string),
self.assertEqual(re.split(":+", string), ['', a, b, c])
self.assertEqual(re.split("(:+)", string),
['', ':', a, ':', b, '::', c])
self.assertEqual(re.split("(?::*)", ":a:b::c"), ['', 'a', 'b', 'c'])
self.assertEqual(re.split("(:)*", ":a:b::c"),
self.assertEqual(re.split("(?::+)", ":a:b::c"), ['', 'a', 'b', 'c'])
self.assertEqual(re.split("(:)+", ":a:b::c"),
['', ':', 'a', ':', 'b', ':', 'c'])
self.assertEqual(re.split("([b:]+)", ":a:b::c"),
['', ':', 'a', ':b::', 'c'])
......@@ -282,13 +282,34 @@ class ReTests(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(re.split("(?:b)|(?::+)", ":a:b::c"),
['', 'a', '', '', 'c'])
for sep, expected in [
(':*', ['', 'a', 'b', 'c']),
('(?::*)', ['', 'a', 'b', 'c']),
('(:*)', ['', ':', 'a', ':', 'b', '::', 'c']),
('(:)*', ['', ':', 'a', ':', 'b', ':', 'c']),
with self.subTest(sep=sep), self.assertWarns(FutureWarning):
self.assertTypedEqual(re.split(sep, ':a:b::c'), expected)
for sep, expected in [
('', [':a:b::c']),
(r'\b', [':a:b::c']),
(r'(?=:)', [':a:b::c']),
(r'(?<=:)', [':a:b::c']),
with self.subTest(sep=sep), self.assertRaises(ValueError):
self.assertTypedEqual(re.split(sep, ':a:b::c'), expected)
def test_qualified_re_split(self):
self.assertEqual(re.split(":", ":a:b::c", maxsplit=2), ['', 'a', 'b::c'])
self.assertEqual(re.split(':', 'a:b:c:d', maxsplit=2), ['a', 'b', 'c:d'])
self.assertEqual(re.split("(:)", ":a:b::c", maxsplit=2),
['', ':', 'a', ':', 'b::c'])
self.assertEqual(re.split("(:*)", ":a:b::c", maxsplit=2),
self.assertEqual(re.split("(:+)", ":a:b::c", maxsplit=2),
['', ':', 'a', ':', 'b::c'])
with self.assertWarns(FutureWarning):
self.assertEqual(re.split("(:*)", ":a:b::c", maxsplit=2),
['', ':', 'a', ':', 'b::c'])
def test_re_findall(self):
self.assertEqual(re.findall(":+", "abc"), [])
......@@ -232,6 +232,10 @@ Core and Builtins
- Issue #22818: Splitting on a pattern that could match an empty string now
raises a warning. Patterns that can only match empty strings are now
- Issue #23099: Closing io.BytesIO with exported buffer is rejected now to
prevent corrupting exported buffer.
......@@ -863,6 +863,19 @@ pattern_split(PatternObject* self, PyObject* args, PyObject* kw)
if (!string)
return NULL;
assert(self->codesize != 0);
if (self->code[0] != SRE_OP_INFO || self->code[3] == 0) {
if (self->code[0] == SRE_OP_INFO && self->code[4] == 0) {
"split() requires a non-empty pattern match.");
return NULL;
if (PyErr_WarnEx(PyExc_FutureWarning,
"split() requires a non-empty pattern match.",
1) < 0)
return NULL;
string = state_init(&state, self, string, 0, PY_SSIZE_T_MAX);
if (!string)
return NULL;
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