Commit 842f3539 authored by Neal Norwitz's avatar Neal Norwitz

Add some asserts and update comments

parent a5535100
......@@ -622,10 +622,10 @@ ast_for_arguments(struct compiling *c, const node *n)
args = (n_args ? asdl_seq_new(n_args, c->c_arena) : NULL);
if (!args && n_args)
return NULL; /* Don't need to go to NULL; nothing allocated */
return NULL; /* Don't need to goto error; no objects allocated */
defaults = (n_defaults ? asdl_seq_new(n_defaults, c->c_arena) : NULL);
if (!defaults && n_defaults)
goto error;
return NULL; /* Don't need to goto error; no objects allocated */
/* fpdef: NAME | '(' fplist ')'
fplist: fpdef (',' fpdef)* [',']
......@@ -644,6 +644,7 @@ ast_for_arguments(struct compiling *c, const node *n)
expr_ty expression = ast_for_expr(c, CHILD(n, i + 2));
if (!expression)
goto error;
assert(defaults != NULL);
asdl_seq_SET(defaults, j++, expression);
i += 2;
found_default = 1;
......@@ -3031,6 +3031,7 @@ compiler_boolop(struct compiler *c, expr_ty e)
return 0;
s = e->v.BoolOp.values;
n = asdl_seq_LEN(s) - 1;
assert(n >= 0);
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
VISIT(c, expr, (expr_ty)asdl_seq_GET(s, i));
ADDOP_JREL(c, jumpi, end);
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