Commit 84e16918 authored by Brett Cannon's avatar Brett Cannon

Re-order importlib benchmarks to be consistent. Also print out what...

Re-order importlib benchmarks to be consistent. Also print out what implementation of __import__ is used.
parent a1cd9f75
......@@ -165,12 +165,13 @@ def main(import_, filename=None, benchmark=None):
prev_results = {}
__builtins__.__import__ = import_
benchmarks = (from_cache, builtin_mod,
source_using_bytecode, source_wo_bytecode,
tabnanny_using_bytecode, tabnanny_wo_bytecode,
source_wo_bytecode, source_using_bytecode,
decimal_using_bytecode, decimal_writing_bytecode,
tabnanny_wo_bytecode, tabnanny_using_bytecode,
decimal_wo_bytecode, decimal_using_bytecode,
if benchmark:
for b in benchmarks:
if b.__doc__ == benchmark:
......@@ -183,9 +184,10 @@ def main(import_, filename=None, benchmark=None):
seconds_plural = 's' if seconds > 1 else ''
repeat = 3
header = ('Measuring imports/second over {} second{}, best out of {}\n'
'Entire benchmark run should take about {} seconds\n')
'Entire benchmark run should take about {} seconds\n'
'Using {!r} as __import__\n')
print(header.format(seconds, seconds_plural, repeat,
len(benchmarks) * seconds * repeat))
len(benchmarks) * seconds * repeat, __import__))
new_results = {}
for benchmark in benchmarks:
print(benchmark.__doc__, "[", end=' ')
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