Commit 850ac70a authored by Armin Rigo's avatar Armin Rigo

Lost reference.

parent 05cec412
......@@ -1086,8 +1086,8 @@ PyErr_PrintEx(int set_sys_last_vars)
void PyErr_Display(PyObject *exception, PyObject *value, PyObject *tb)
int err = 0;
PyObject *v = value;
PyObject *f = PySys_GetObject("stderr");
if (f == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "lost sys.stderr\n");
else {
......@@ -1097,12 +1097,12 @@ void PyErr_Display(PyObject *exception, PyObject *value, PyObject *tb)
if (tb && tb != Py_None)
err = PyTraceBack_Print(tb, f);
if (err == 0 &&
PyObject_HasAttrString(v, "print_file_and_line"))
PyObject_HasAttrString(value, "print_file_and_line"))
PyObject *message;
const char *filename, *text;
int lineno, offset;
if (!parse_syntax_error(v, &message, &filename,
if (!parse_syntax_error(value, &message, &filename,
&lineno, &offset, &text))
else {
......@@ -1118,7 +1118,8 @@ void PyErr_Display(PyObject *exception, PyObject *value, PyObject *tb)
PyFile_WriteString("\n", f);
if (text != NULL)
print_error_text(f, offset, text);
v = message;
value = message;
/* Can't be bothered to check all those
PyFile_WriteString() calls */
if (PyErr_Occurred())
......@@ -1155,8 +1156,8 @@ void PyErr_Display(PyObject *exception, PyObject *value, PyObject *tb)
err = PyFile_WriteObject(exception, f, Py_PRINT_RAW);
if (err == 0) {
if (v != NULL && v != Py_None) {
PyObject *s = PyObject_Str(v);
if (value != Py_None) {
PyObject *s = PyObject_Str(value);
/* only print colon if the str() of the
object is not the empty string
......@@ -1173,6 +1174,7 @@ void PyErr_Display(PyObject *exception, PyObject *value, PyObject *tb)
if (err == 0)
err = PyFile_WriteString("\n", f);
/* If an error happened here, don't show it.
XXX This is wrong, but too many callers rely on this behavior. */
if (err != 0)
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