Commit 85fd27f6 authored by Neal Norwitz's avatar Neal Norwitz

cpathname could be NULL if it was longer than MAXPATHLEN. Don't try

to write the .pyc to NULL.

Check results of PyList_GetItem() and PyModule_GetDict() are not NULL.

Klocwork 282, 283, 285
parent 0e466098
......@@ -933,7 +933,8 @@ load_source_module(char *name, char *pathname, FILE *fp)
if (Py_VerboseFlag)
PySys_WriteStderr("import %s # from %s\n",
name, pathname);
write_compiled_module(co, cpathname, mtime);
if (cpathname)
write_compiled_module(co, cpathname, mtime);
m = PyImport_ExecCodeModuleEx(name, (PyObject *)co, pathname);
......@@ -1232,6 +1233,8 @@ find_module(char *fullname, char *subname, PyObject *path, char *buf,
for (i = 0; i < npath; i++) {
PyObject *copy = NULL;
PyObject *v = PyList_GetItem(path, i);
if (!v)
return NULL;
if (PyUnicode_Check(v)) {
copy = PyUnicode_Encode(PyUnicode_AS_UNICODE(v),
......@@ -3044,6 +3047,8 @@ initimp(void)
if (m == NULL)
goto failure;
d = PyModule_GetDict(m);
if (d == NULL)
goto failure;
if (setint(d, "SEARCH_ERROR", SEARCH_ERROR) < 0) goto failure;
if (setint(d, "PY_SOURCE", PY_SOURCE) < 0) goto failure;
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