Commit 86158072 authored by Jack Jansen's avatar Jack Jansen

Partially converted to Appearance, the dialog still has the old ugly layout and

parent b59ea34d
......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
from Dlg import *
from Events import *
from Res import *
import Controls
import string
import struct
import macfs
......@@ -64,24 +65,24 @@ OD_HELP_ITEM = 22
def optinteract(options):
"""Let the user interact with the options dialog"""
d = GetNewDialog(OPT_DIALOG_ID, -1)
tp, h, rect = d.GetDialogItem(OD_CREATOR_ITEM)
SetDialogItemText(h, options['creator'])
tp, h, rect = d.GetDialogItem(OD_TYPE_ITEM)
SetDialogItemText(h, options['type'])
htext = d.GetDialogItemAsControl(OD_CREATOR_ITEM)
SetDialogItemText(htext, options['creator'])
htext = d.GetDialogItemAsControl(OD_TYPE_ITEM)
SetDialogItemText(htext, options['type'])
while 1:
for name in opt_dialog_dict.keys():
num = opt_dialog_dict[name]
tp, h, rect = d.GetDialogItem(num)
ctl = d.GetDialogItemAsControl(num)
n = ModalDialog(None)
if n == OD_OK_ITEM:
tp, h, rect = d.GetDialogItem(OD_CREATOR_ITEM)
ncreator = GetDialogItemText(h)
tp, h, rect = d.GetDialogItem(OD_TYPE_ITEM)
ntype = GetDialogItemText(h)
htext = d.GetDialogItemAsControl(OD_CREATOR_ITEM)
ncreator = GetDialogItemText(htext)
htext = d.GetDialogItemAsControl(OD_TYPE_ITEM)
ntype = GetDialogItemText(htext)
if len(ncreator) == 4 and len(ntype) == 4:
options['creator'] = ncreator
options['type'] = ntype
......@@ -107,11 +108,12 @@ def interact(options, title):
except os.error:
d = GetNewDialog(DIALOG_ID, -1)
tp, h, rect = d.GetDialogItem(TITLE_ITEM)
SetDialogItemText(h, title)
tp, h, rect = d.GetDialogItem(TEXT_ITEM)
## SetDialogItemText(h, string.joinfields(list, '\r')) = string.joinfields(options['path'], '\r')
htext = d.GetDialogItemAsControl(TITLE_ITEM)
SetDialogItemText(htext, title)
ctl = d.GetDialogItemAsControl(TEXT_ITEM)
data = string.joinfields(options['path'], '\r')
ctl.SetControlData(Controls.kControlEditTextPart, Controls.kControlEditTextTextTag, data)
d.SelectDialogItemText(TEXT_ITEM, 0, 32767)
d.SelectDialogItemText(TEXT_ITEM, 0, 0)
## d.SetDialogDefaultItem(OK_ITEM)
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