Commit 88c761a1 authored by Neil Schemenauer's avatar Neil Schemenauer

Test GC of frame objects.

parent 28358fbe
from test_support import verify, verbose, TestFailed
import sys
import gc
def run_test(name, thunk):
......@@ -107,6 +108,15 @@ def test_function():
if gc.collect() != 2:
raise TestFailed
def test_frame():
def f():
frame = sys._getframe()
if gc.collect() != 1:
raise TestFailed
def test_saveall():
# Verify that cyclic garbage like lists show up in gc.garbage if the
# SAVEALL option is enabled.
......@@ -152,6 +162,7 @@ def test_all():
run_test("instances", test_instance)
run_test("methods", test_method)
run_test("functions", test_function)
run_test("frames", test_frame)
run_test("finalizers", test_finalizer)
run_test("__del__", test_del)
run_test("saveall", test_saveall)
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