Commit 8905fb83 authored by Zachary Ware's avatar Zachary Ware Committed by GitHub

bpo-30450: Don't use where, XP doesn't have it (GH-3348)

Really this time!
parent 5e8e3713
......@@ -96,9 +96,8 @@ if "%do_pgo%" EQU "true" if "%platf%" EQU "x64" (
if not exist "%GIT%" where git > "%TEMP%\git.loc" 2> nul && set /P GIT= < "%TEMP%\git.loc" & del "%TEMP%\git.loc"
if "%GIT%" EQU "" set GIT=git
if exist "%GIT%" set GITProperty=/p:GIT="%GIT%"
if not exist "%GIT%" echo Cannot find Git on PATH & set GITProperty=
rem Setup the environment
call "%dir%find_msbuild.bat" %MSBUILD%
......@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@
@rem If msbuild.exe is on the PATH, assume that the user wants that one.
@where msbuild > "%TEMP%\msbuild.loc" 2> nul && set /P MSBUILD= < "%TEMP%\msbuild.loc" & del "%TEMP%\msbuild.loc"
@if exist "%MSBUILD%" set MSBUILD="%MSBUILD%" & (set _Py_MSBuild_Source=PATH) & goto :found
@msbuild /version > nul 2>&1
@if NOT ERRORLEVEL 9009 set MSBUILD=msbuild & (set _Py_MSBuild_Source=PATH) & goto :found
@rem VS 2015 and earlier register MSBuild separately, so we can find it.
@rem Prefer MSBuild 14.0 over MSBuild 15.0, since the latter may not be able to find a VC14 install.
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