Commit 891f1d33 authored by Georg Brandl's avatar Georg Brandl

Bug #1573854: fix docs for sqlite3 cursor rowcount attr.

parent 8d9e8455
......@@ -440,9 +440,6 @@ A :class:`Cursor` instance has the following attributes and methods:
attribute, the database engine's own support for the determination of "rows
affected"/"rows selected" is quirky.
For ``SELECT`` statements, :attr:`rowcount` is always None because we cannot
determine the number of rows a query produced until all rows were fetched.
For ``DELETE`` statements, SQLite reports :attr:`rowcount` as 0 if you make a
``DELETE FROM table`` without any condition.
......@@ -453,6 +450,9 @@ A :class:`Cursor` instance has the following attributes and methods:
case no executeXX() has been performed on the cursor or the rowcount of the last
operation is not determinable by the interface".
This includes ``SELECT`` statements because we cannot determine the number of
rows a query produced until all rows were fetched.
.. _sqlite3-types:
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