Commit 8c44bfe6 authored by Neal Norwitz's avatar Neal Norwitz

Update comments and the skip list, maybe some of these tests don't

report failures, we'll see.

Skip certain hopeless tests: compiler and logging.

compiler will likely always show varying leaks since it doesn't work
on a defined set of modules unless -u compiler is specified.  But that
takes forever (we only run with -u network currently).

logging causes hangs when running with -R.
parent 538cda4b
......@@ -55,12 +55,19 @@ INSTALL_DIR="/tmp/python-test/local"
RSYNC_OPTS="-aC -e ssh"
# These tests are not stable and often falsely report leaks.
# These tests are not stable and falsely report leaks sometimes.
# The entire leak report will be mailed if any test not in this list leaks.
# Note: test_XXX (none currently) really leak, but are disabled
# so we don't send spam. Any test which really leaks should only
# be listed here if there are also test cases under Lib/test/leakers.
# Skip these tests altogether when looking for leaks. These tests
# do not need to be stored above in LEAKY_TESTS too.
# test_compiler almost never finishes with the same number of refs
# since it depends on other modules, skip it.
# test_logging causes hangs, skip it.
LEAKY_SKIPS="-x test_compiler test_logging"
# Change this flag to "yes" for old releases to only update/build the docs.
......@@ -160,7 +167,7 @@ if [ $err = 0 -a "$BUILD_DISABLED" != "yes" ]; then
## run the tests looking for leaks
./python ./Lib/test/ -R 4:3:$REFLOG -u network >& build/$F
./python ./Lib/test/ -R 4:3:$REFLOG -u network $LEAKY_SKIPS >& build/$F
update_status "Testing refleaks ($NUM_FAILURES failures)" "$F" $start
mail_on_failure "refleak" $REFLOG
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