Commit 8d1da0f5 authored by Florent Xicluna's avatar Florent Xicluna

#7092: Fix some -3 warnings, and fix Lib/ when the path contains a double-quote.

parent b5023df3
......@@ -99,8 +99,9 @@ def scanvars(reader, frame, locals):
lasttoken = token
return vars
def html((etype, evalue, etb), context=5):
def html(einfo, context=5):
"""Return a nice HTML document describing a given traceback."""
etype, evalue, etb = einfo
if type(etype) is types.ClassType:
etype = etype.__name__
pyver = 'Python ' + sys.version.split()[0] + ': ' + sys.executable
......@@ -189,8 +190,9 @@ function calls leading up to the error, in the order they occurred.</p>'''
''' % pydoc.html.escape(
''.join(traceback.format_exception(etype, evalue, etb)))
def text((etype, evalue, etb), context=5):
def text(einfo, context=5):
"""Return a plain text document describing a given traceback."""
etype, evalue, etb = einfo
if type(etype) is types.ClassType:
etype = etype.__name__
pyver = 'Python ' + sys.version.split()[0] + ': ' + sys.executable
......@@ -676,7 +676,7 @@ class build_ext (Command):
# extensions in debug_mode are named 'module_d.pyd' under windows
so_ext = get_config_var('SO')
if == 'nt' and self.debug:
return apply(os.path.join, ext_path) + '_d' + so_ext
return os.path.join(*ext_path) + '_d' + so_ext
return os.path.join(*ext_path) + so_ext
def get_export_symbols (self, ext):
......@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ def convert_path (pathname):
if not paths:
return os.curdir
return apply(os.path.join, paths)
return os.path.join(*paths)
# convert_path ()
......@@ -349,10 +349,8 @@ class AutoCompleteWindow:
self.lastkey_was_tab = True
elif reduce(lambda x, y: x or y,
[keysym.find(s) != -1 for s in ("Shift", "Control", "Alt",
"Meta", "Command", "Option")
elif any(s in keysym for s in ("Shift", "Control", "Alt",
"Meta", "Command", "Option")):
# A modifier key, so ignore
......@@ -107,10 +107,9 @@ class _SimpleBinder:
# a list of the states which are a subset of it. This list is ordered by the
# number of modifiers is the state - the most specific state comes first.
_states = range(1 << len(_modifiers))
_state_names = [reduce(lambda x, y: x + y,
[_modifiers[i][0]+'-' for i in range(len(_modifiers))
if (1 << i) & s],
_state_names = [''.join(m[0]+'-'
for i, m in enumerate(_modifiers)
if (1 << i) & s)
for s in _states]
_state_subsets = map(lambda i: filter(lambda j: not (j & (~i)), _states),
......@@ -119,11 +118,13 @@ for l in _state_subsets:
nummod(b) - nummod(a))
# _state_codes gives for each state, the portable code to be passed as mc_state
_state_codes = [reduce(lambda x, y: x | y,
[_modifier_masks[i] for i in range(len(_modifiers))
if (1 << i) & s],
for s in _states]
_state_codes = []
for s in _states:
r = 0
for i in range(len(_modifiers)):
if (1 << i) & s:
r |= _modifier_masks[i]
class _ComplexBinder:
# This class binds many functions, and only unbinds them when it is deleted.
......@@ -966,7 +966,7 @@ def _syscmd_file(target,default=''):
if sys.platform in ('dos','win32','win16','os2'):
# XXX Others too ?
return default
target = _follow_symlinks(target)
target = _follow_symlinks(target).replace('"', '\\"')
f = os.popen('file "%s" 2> %s' % (target, DEV_NULL))
except (AttributeError,os.error):
......@@ -1032,13 +1032,13 @@ def architecture(executable=sys.executable,bits='',linkage=''):
executable == sys.executable:
# "file" command did not return anything; we'll try to provide
# some sensible defaults then...
if _default_architecture.has_key(sys.platform):
b,l = _default_architecture[sys.platform]
if sys.platform in _default_architecture:
b, l = _default_architecture[sys.platform]
if b:
bits = b
if l:
linkage = l
return bits,linkage
return bits, linkage
# Split the output into a list of strings omitting the filename
fileout = _architecture_split(output)[1:]
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