Commit 8d5734ea authored by Victor Stinner's avatar Victor Stinner

tracemalloc now supports domains

Issue #26588:

* The _tracemalloc now supports tracing memory allocations of multiple address
  spaces (domains).
* Add domain parameter to tracemalloc_add_trace() and
* tracemalloc_add_trace() now starts by removing the previous trace, if any.
* _tracemalloc._get_traces() now returns a list of (domain, size,
  traceback_frames): the domain is new.
* Add tracemalloc.DomainFilter
* tracemalloc.Filter: add an optional domain parameter to the constructor and a
  domain attribute
* Sublte change: use Py_uintptr_t rather than void* in the traces key.
* Add tracemalloc_config.use_domain, currently hardcoded to 1
parent 1b9d82fd
......@@ -355,10 +355,32 @@ Functions
See also the :func:`get_object_traceback` function.
.. class:: DomainFilter(inclusive: bool, domain: int)
Filter traces of memory blocks by their address space (domain).
.. versionadded:: 3.6
.. attribute:: inclusive
If *inclusive* is ``True`` (include), match memory blocks allocated
in the address space :attr:`domain`.
If *inclusive* is ``False`` (exclude), match memory blocks not allocated
in the address space :attr:`domain`.
.. attribute:: domain
Address space of a memory block (``int``). Read-only property.
.. class:: Filter(inclusive: bool, filename_pattern: str, lineno: int=None, all_frames: bool=False)
.. class:: Filter(inclusive: bool, filename_pattern: str, lineno: int=None, all_frames: bool=False, domain: int=None)
Filter on traces of memory blocks.
......@@ -378,9 +400,17 @@ Filter
.. versionchanged:: 3.5
The ``'.pyo'`` file extension is no longer replaced with ``'.py'``.
.. versionchanged:: 3.6
Added the :attr:`domain` attribute.
.. attribute:: domain
Address space of a memory block (``int`` or ``None``).
.. attribute:: inclusive
If *inclusive* is ``True`` (include), only trace memory blocks allocated
If *inclusive* is ``True`` (include), only match memory blocks allocated
in a file with a name matching :attr:`filename_pattern` at line number
......@@ -395,7 +425,7 @@ Filter
.. attribute:: filename_pattern
Filename pattern of the filter (``str``).
Filename pattern of the filter (``str``). Read-only property.
.. attribute:: all_frames
......@@ -458,14 +488,17 @@ Snapshot
.. method:: filter_traces(filters)
Create a new :class:`Snapshot` instance with a filtered :attr:`traces`
sequence, *filters* is a list of :class:`Filter` instances. If *filters*
is an empty list, return a new :class:`Snapshot` instance with a copy of
the traces.
sequence, *filters* is a list of :class:`DomainFilter` and
:class:`Filter` instances. If *filters* is an empty list, return a new
:class:`Snapshot` instance with a copy of the traces.
All inclusive filters are applied at once, a trace is ignored if no
inclusive filters match it. A trace is ignored if at least one exclusive
filter matches it.
.. versionchanged:: 3.6
:class:`DomainFilter` instances are now also accepted in *filters*.
.. classmethod:: load(filename)
......@@ -37,28 +37,31 @@ def allocate_bytes(size):
def create_snapshots():
traceback_limit = 2
# _tracemalloc._get_traces() returns a list of (domain, size,
# traceback_frames) tuples. traceback_frames is a tuple of (filename,
# line_number) tuples.
raw_traces = [
(10, (('', 2), ('', 4))),
(10, (('', 2), ('', 4))),
(10, (('', 2), ('', 4))),
(0, 10, (('', 2), ('', 4))),
(0, 10, (('', 2), ('', 4))),
(0, 10, (('', 2), ('', 4))),
(2, (('', 5), ('', 4))),
(1, 2, (('', 5), ('', 4))),
(66, (('', 1),)),
(2, 66, (('', 1),)),
(7, (('<unknown>', 0),)),
(3, 7, (('<unknown>', 0),)),
snapshot = tracemalloc.Snapshot(raw_traces, traceback_limit)
raw_traces2 = [
(10, (('', 2), ('', 4))),
(10, (('', 2), ('', 4))),
(10, (('', 2), ('', 4))),
(0, 10, (('', 2), ('', 4))),
(0, 10, (('', 2), ('', 4))),
(0, 10, (('', 2), ('', 4))),
(2, (('', 5), ('', 4))),
(5000, (('', 5), ('', 4))),
(2, 2, (('', 5), ('', 4))),
(2, 5000, (('', 5), ('', 4))),
(400, (('', 578),)),
(4, 400, (('', 578),)),
snapshot2 = tracemalloc.Snapshot(raw_traces2, traceback_limit)
......@@ -126,7 +129,7 @@ class TestTracemallocEnabled(unittest.TestCase):
def find_trace(self, traces, traceback):
for trace in traces:
if trace[1] == traceback._frames:
if trace[2] == traceback._frames:
return trace"trace not found")
......@@ -140,7 +143,7 @@ class TestTracemallocEnabled(unittest.TestCase):
trace = self.find_trace(traces, obj_traceback)
self.assertIsInstance(trace, tuple)
size, traceback = trace
domain, size, traceback = trace
self.assertEqual(size, obj_size)
self.assertEqual(traceback, obj_traceback._frames)
......@@ -167,9 +170,8 @@ class TestTracemallocEnabled(unittest.TestCase):
trace1 = self.find_trace(traces, obj1_traceback)
trace2 = self.find_trace(traces, obj2_traceback)
size1, traceback1 = trace1
size2, traceback2 = trace2
self.assertEqual(traceback2, traceback1)
domain1, size1, traceback1 = trace1
domain2, size2, traceback2 = trace2
self.assertIs(traceback2, traceback1)
def test_get_traced_memory(self):
......@@ -292,7 +294,7 @@ class TestSnapshot(unittest.TestCase):
maxDiff = 4000
def test_create_snapshot(self):
raw_traces = [(5, (('', 2),))]
raw_traces = [(0, 5, (('', 2),))]
with contextlib.ExitStack() as stack:
stack.enter_context(patch.object(tracemalloc, 'is_tracing',
......@@ -322,11 +324,11 @@ class TestSnapshot(unittest.TestCase):
# exclude
snapshot3 = snapshot.filter_traces((filter1,))
self.assertEqual(snapshot3.traces._traces, [
(10, (('', 2), ('', 4))),
(10, (('', 2), ('', 4))),
(10, (('', 2), ('', 4))),
(2, (('', 5), ('', 4))),
(7, (('<unknown>', 0),)),
(0, 10, (('', 2), ('', 4))),
(0, 10, (('', 2), ('', 4))),
(0, 10, (('', 2), ('', 4))),
(1, 2, (('', 5), ('', 4))),
(3, 7, (('<unknown>', 0),)),
# filter_traces() must not touch the original snapshot
......@@ -335,10 +337,10 @@ class TestSnapshot(unittest.TestCase):
# only include two lines of
snapshot4 = snapshot3.filter_traces((filter2, filter3))
self.assertEqual(snapshot4.traces._traces, [
(10, (('', 2), ('', 4))),
(10, (('', 2), ('', 4))),
(10, (('', 2), ('', 4))),
(2, (('', 5), ('', 4))),
(0, 10, (('', 2), ('', 4))),
(0, 10, (('', 2), ('', 4))),
(0, 10, (('', 2), ('', 4))),
(1, 2, (('', 5), ('', 4))),
# No filter: just duplicate the snapshot
......@@ -349,6 +351,54 @@ class TestSnapshot(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertRaises(TypeError, snapshot.filter_traces, filter1)
def test_filter_traces_domain(self):
snapshot, snapshot2 = create_snapshots()
filter1 = tracemalloc.Filter(False, "", domain=1)
filter2 = tracemalloc.Filter(True, "", domain=1)
original_traces = list(snapshot.traces._traces)
# exclude of domain 1
snapshot3 = snapshot.filter_traces((filter1,))
self.assertEqual(snapshot3.traces._traces, [
(0, 10, (('', 2), ('', 4))),
(0, 10, (('', 2), ('', 4))),
(0, 10, (('', 2), ('', 4))),
(2, 66, (('', 1),)),
(3, 7, (('<unknown>', 0),)),
# include domain 1
snapshot3 = snapshot.filter_traces((filter1,))
self.assertEqual(snapshot3.traces._traces, [
(0, 10, (('', 2), ('', 4))),
(0, 10, (('', 2), ('', 4))),
(0, 10, (('', 2), ('', 4))),
(2, 66, (('', 1),)),
(3, 7, (('<unknown>', 0),)),
def test_filter_traces_domain_filter(self):
snapshot, snapshot2 = create_snapshots()
filter1 = tracemalloc.DomainFilter(False, domain=3)
filter2 = tracemalloc.DomainFilter(True, domain=3)
# exclude domain 2
snapshot3 = snapshot.filter_traces((filter1,))
self.assertEqual(snapshot3.traces._traces, [
(0, 10, (('', 2), ('', 4))),
(0, 10, (('', 2), ('', 4))),
(0, 10, (('', 2), ('', 4))),
(1, 2, (('', 5), ('', 4))),
(2, 66, (('', 1),)),
# include domain 2
snapshot3 = snapshot.filter_traces((filter2,))
self.assertEqual(snapshot3.traces._traces, [
(3, 7, (('<unknown>', 0),)),
def test_snapshot_group_by_line(self):
snapshot, snapshot2 = create_snapshots()
tb_0 = traceback_lineno('<unknown>', 0)
......@@ -244,17 +244,21 @@ class Trace:
__slots__ = ("_trace",)
def __init__(self, trace):
# trace is a tuple: (size, traceback), see Traceback constructor
# for the format of the traceback tuple
# trace is a tuple: (domain: int, size: int, traceback: tuple).
# See Traceback constructor for the format of the traceback tuple.
self._trace = trace
def size(self):
def domain(self):
return self._trace[0]
def size(self):
return self._trace[1]
def traceback(self):
return Traceback(self._trace[1])
return Traceback(self._trace[2])
def __eq__(self, other):
return (self._trace == other._trace)
......@@ -266,8 +270,8 @@ class Trace:
return "%s: %s" % (self.traceback, _format_size(self.size, False))
def __repr__(self):
return ("<Trace size=%s, traceback=%r>"
% (_format_size(self.size, False), self.traceback))
return ("<Trace domain=%s size=%s, traceback=%r>"
% (self.domain, _format_size(self.size, False), self.traceback))
class _Traces(Sequence):
......@@ -302,19 +306,29 @@ def _normalize_filename(filename):
return filename
class Filter:
class BaseFilter:
def __init__(self, inclusive):
self.inclusive = inclusive
def _match(self, trace):
raise NotImplementedError
class Filter(BaseFilter):
def __init__(self, inclusive, filename_pattern,
lineno=None, all_frames=False):
lineno=None, all_frames=False, domain=None):
self.inclusive = inclusive
self._filename_pattern = _normalize_filename(filename_pattern)
self.lineno = lineno
self.all_frames = all_frames
self.domain = domain
def filename_pattern(self):
return self._filename_pattern
def __match_frame(self, filename, lineno):
def _match_frame_impl(self, filename, lineno):
filename = _normalize_filename(filename)
if not fnmatch.fnmatch(filename, self._filename_pattern):
return False
......@@ -324,11 +338,11 @@ class Filter:
return (lineno == self.lineno)
def _match_frame(self, filename, lineno):
return self.__match_frame(filename, lineno) ^ (not self.inclusive)
return self._match_frame_impl(filename, lineno) ^ (not self.inclusive)
def _match_traceback(self, traceback):
if self.all_frames:
if any(self.__match_frame(filename, lineno)
if any(self._match_frame_impl(filename, lineno)
for filename, lineno in traceback):
return self.inclusive
......@@ -337,6 +351,30 @@ class Filter:
filename, lineno = traceback[0]
return self._match_frame(filename, lineno)
def _match(self, trace):
domain, size, traceback = trace
res = self._match_traceback(traceback)
if self.domain is not None:
if self.inclusive:
return res and (domain == self.domain)
return res or (domain != self.domain)
return res
class DomainFilter(BaseFilter):
def __init__(self, inclusive, domain):
self._domain = domain
def domain(self):
return self._domain
def _match(self, trace):
domain, size, traceback = trace
return (domain == self.domain) ^ (not self.inclusive)
class Snapshot:
......@@ -365,13 +403,12 @@ class Snapshot:
return pickle.load(fp)
def _filter_trace(self, include_filters, exclude_filters, trace):
traceback = trace[1]
if include_filters:
if not any(trace_filter._match_traceback(traceback)
if not any(trace_filter._match(trace)
for trace_filter in include_filters):
return False
if exclude_filters:
if any(not trace_filter._match_traceback(traceback)
if any(not trace_filter._match(trace)
for trace_filter in exclude_filters):
return False
return True
......@@ -379,8 +416,8 @@ class Snapshot:
def filter_traces(self, filters):
Create a new Snapshot instance with a filtered traces sequence, filters
is a list of Filter instances. If filters is an empty list, return a
new Snapshot instance with a copy of the traces.
is a list of Filter or DomainFilter instances. If filters is an empty
list, return a new Snapshot instance with a copy of the traces.
if not isinstance(filters, Iterable):
raise TypeError("filters must be a list of filters, not %s"
......@@ -412,7 +449,7 @@ class Snapshot:
tracebacks = {}
if not cumulative:
for trace in self.traces._traces:
size, trace_traceback = trace
domain, size, trace_traceback = trace
traceback = tracebacks[trace_traceback]
except KeyError:
......@@ -433,7 +470,7 @@ class Snapshot:
# cumulative statistics
for trace in self.traces._traces:
size, trace_traceback = trace
domain, size, trace_traceback = trace
for frame in trace_traceback:
traceback = tracebacks[frame]
......@@ -232,6 +232,9 @@ Core and Builtins
- Issue #26588: The _tracemalloc now supports tracing memory allocations of
multiple address spaces (domains).
- Issue #24266: Ctrl+C during Readline history search now cancels the search
mode when compiled with Readline 7.
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