Commit 8da359bd authored by Fred Drake's avatar Fred Drake

Minor changes to match the style guide.

Make the reference to the python-docs email address a hyperlink; we want to
encourage responses to the plea for help!
parent 4796c659
......@@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
The modules in this chapter are poorly documented (if at all). If you
wish to contribute documentation of any of these modules, please get in
touch with \email{}.
touch with
......@@ -127,8 +128,8 @@ interpreter.
without displaying it (or without displaying the stdout window
altogether, if set with \program{EditPythonPrefs}) until you try to read from
stdin or disable the buffering, at which point all the saved output is
sent to the window. Good for GUI programs that do want to display their
output at a crash.
sent to the window. Good for programs with graphilcal user interfaces
that do want to display their output at a crash.
\section{\module{W} --- Widgets built on \module{FrameWork}}
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