Commit 8ef52f0e authored by Berker Peksag's avatar Berker Peksag

Issue #23682: Delete Python 2.2 mention from distutils documentation.

Patch by Thomas Kluyver.
parent caa64922
......@@ -671,20 +671,6 @@ information is sometimes used to indicate sub-releases. These are
If you wish to include classifiers in your :file:`` file and also wish
to remain backwards-compatible with Python releases prior to 2.2.3, then you can
include the following code fragment in your :file:`` before the
:func:`setup` call. ::
# patch distutils if it can't cope with the "classifiers" or
# "download_url" keywords
from sys import version
if version < '2.2.3':
from distutils.dist import DistributionMetadata
DistributionMetadata.classifiers = None
DistributionMetadata.download_url = None
.. _debug-setup-script:
Debugging the setup script
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