Commit 8f935914 authored by Neal Norwitz's avatar Neal Norwitz

Fix typo in docstring (the module is popen2, not 3).

parent d79d1e25
......@@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ p = Popen(["mycmd", "myarg"], bufsize=bufsize,
stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, close_fds=True)
(child_stdout, child_stdin) = (p.stdout, p.stdin)
The popen2.Popen3 and popen3.Popen4 basically works as subprocess.Popen,
The popen2.Popen3 and popen2.Popen4 basically works as subprocess.Popen,
except that:
* subprocess.Popen raises an exception if the execution fails
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