Commit 9166e6af authored by Antoine Pitrou's avatar Antoine Pitrou

Merged revisions 76047 via svnmerge from


  r76047 | antoine.pitrou | 2009-11-02 00:54:20 +0100 (lun., 02 nov. 2009) | 3 lines

  Fix and improve some assertions in test_site
parent 2f9197f9
......@@ -70,9 +70,9 @@ class HelperFunctionsTests(unittest.TestCase):
def pth_file_tests(self, pth_file):
"""Contain common code for testing results of reading a .pth file"""
self.assertTrue(pth_file.imported in sys.modules,
"%s not in sys.path" % pth_file.imported)
self.assertTrue(site.makepath(pth_file.good_dir_path)[0] in sys.path)
self.assertTrue(not os.path.exists(pth_file.bad_dir_path))
"%s not in sys.modules" % pth_file.imported)
self.assertIn(site.makepath(pth_file.good_dir_path)[0], sys.path)
def test_addpackage(self):
# Make sure addpackage() imports if the line starts with 'import',
......@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ class HelperFunctionsTests(unittest.TestCase):
def test_s_option(self):
usersite = site.USER_SITE
self.assertTrue(usersite in sys.path)
self.assertIn(usersite, sys.path)
rc =[sys.executable, '-c',
'import sys; sys.exit(%r in sys.path)' % usersite])
......@@ -139,7 +139,8 @@ class HelperFunctionsTests(unittest.TestCase):
site.USER_BASE = None
with EnvironmentVarGuard() as environ:
environ['PYTHONUSERBASE'] = 'xoxo'
def test_getusersitepackages(self):
site.USER_SITE = None
......@@ -148,14 +149,14 @@ class HelperFunctionsTests(unittest.TestCase):
# the call sets USER_BASE *and* USER_SITE
self.assertEquals(site.USER_SITE, user_site)
self.assertTrue(user_site.startswith(site.USER_BASE), user_site)
def test_getsitepackages(self):
site.PREFIXES = ['xoxo']
dirs = site.getsitepackages()
if sys.platform in ('os2emx', 'riscos'):
self.assertTrue(len(dirs), 1)
self.assertEqual(len(dirs), 1)
wanted = os.path.join('xoxo', 'Lib', 'site-packages')
self.assertEquals(dirs[0], wanted)
elif os.sep == '/':
......@@ -175,7 +176,7 @@ class HelperFunctionsTests(unittest.TestCase):
if sys.platform == "darwin":
site.PREFIXES = ['Python.framework']
dirs = site.getsitepackages()
self.assertTrue(len(dirs), 4)
self.assertEqual(len(dirs), 4)
wanted = os.path.join('~', 'Library', 'Python',
sys.version[:3], 'site-packages')
self.assertEquals(dirs[2], os.path.expanduser(wanted))
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