Commit 91790c65 authored by Peter Astrand's avatar Peter Astrand

New subprocess utility function: check_call. Closes #1071764.

parent f5f242e1
......@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ process. (Windows only)
\subsubsection{Convenience Functions}
This module also defines one shortcut function:
This module also defines two shortcut functions:
\begin{funcdesc}{call}{*popenargs, **kwargs}
Run command with arguments. Wait for command to complete, then
......@@ -133,6 +133,18 @@ The arguments are the same as for the Popen constructor. Example:
\begin{funcdesc}{check_call}{*popenargs, **kwargs}
Run command with arguments. Wait for command to complete. If the exit
code was zero then return, otherwise raise CalledProcessError. The
CalledProcessError object will have the return code in the
\member{errno} attribute.
The arguments are the same as for the Popen constructor. Example:
check_call(["ls", "-l"])
......@@ -149,6 +161,10 @@ should prepare for \exception{OSError} exceptions.
A \exception{ValueError} will be raised if \class{Popen} is called
with invalid arguments.
check_call() will raise \exception{CalledProcessError}, which is a
subclass of \exception{OSError}, if the called process returns a
non-zero return code.
......@@ -133,6 +133,15 @@ call(*popenargs, **kwargs):
retcode = call(["ls", "-l"])
check_call(*popenargs, **kwargs):
Run command with arguments. Wait for command to complete. If the
exit code was zero then return, otherwise raise
CalledProcessError. The CalledProcessError object will have the
return code in the errno attribute.
The arguments are the same as for the Popen constructor. Example:
check_call(["ls", "-l"])
......@@ -148,6 +157,9 @@ should prepare for OSErrors.
A ValueError will be raised if Popen is called with invalid arguments.
check_call() will raise CalledProcessError, which is a subclass of
OSError, if the called process returns a non-zero return code.
......@@ -363,6 +375,13 @@ import os
import types
import traceback
# Exception classes used by this module.
class CalledProcessError(OSError):
"""This exception is raised when a process run by check_call() returns
a non-zero exit status. The exit status will be stored in the
errno attribute. This exception is a subclass of
if mswindows:
import threading
import msvcrt
......@@ -393,7 +412,7 @@ else:
import fcntl
import pickle
__all__ = ["Popen", "PIPE", "STDOUT", "call"]
__all__ = ["Popen", "PIPE", "STDOUT", "call", "check_call", "CalledProcessError"]
MAXFD = os.sysconf("SC_OPEN_MAX")
......@@ -428,6 +447,25 @@ def call(*popenargs, **kwargs):
return Popen(*popenargs, **kwargs).wait()
def check_call(*popenargs, **kwargs):
"""Run command with arguments. Wait for command to complete. If
the exit code was zero then return, otherwise raise
CalledProcessError. The CalledProcessError object will have the
return code in the errno attribute.
The arguments are the same as for the Popen constructor. Example:
check_call(["ls", "-l"])
retcode = call(*popenargs, **kwargs)
cmd = kwargs.get("args")
if cmd is None:
cmd = popenargs[0]
if retcode:
raise CalledProcessError(retcode, "Command %s returned non-zero exit status" % cmd)
return retcode
def list2cmdline(seq):
Translate a sequence of arguments into a command line
......@@ -44,6 +44,22 @@ class ProcessTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
"import sys; sys.exit(47)"])
self.assertEqual(rc, 47)
def test_check_call_zero(self):
# check_call() function with zero return code
rc = subprocess.check_call([sys.executable, "-c",
"import sys; sys.exit(0)"])
self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
def test_check_call_nonzero(self):
# check_call() function with non-zero return code
subprocess.check_call([sys.executable, "-c",
"import sys; sys.exit(47)"])
except subprocess.CalledProcessError, e:
self.assertEqual(e.errno, 47)
else:"Expected CalledProcessError")
def test_call_kwargs(self):
# call() function with keyword args
newenv = os.environ.copy()
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