Commit 91e476f2 authored by Kurt B. Kaiser's avatar Kurt B. Kaiser

Add a script "idles" which opens a Python Shell window.

The default behaviour of idlefork idle is to open an editor window instead
of a shell. Complex expressions may be run in a fresh environment by
selecting "run".  There are times, however, when a shell is desired.
Though one can be started by "idle -t 'foo'", this script is more
convenient.  In addition, a shell and an editor window can be started
in parallel by "idles -e".
parent fe2127d3
#! /usr/bin/env python
import os
import sys
from idlelib import IdleConf
idle_dir = os.path.dirname(IdleConf.__file__)
# defer importing Pyshell until IdleConf is loaded
from idlelib import PyShell
# open a shell instead of an editor window
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