Commit 929a87d5 authored by Tim Peters's avatar Tim Peters

SF patch [#466616] Exclude imported items from doctest.

Another installment; the new functionality wasn't actually enabled in
normal use, only in the strained use checked by the test case.
parent 6e7fedcc
......@@ -770,7 +770,7 @@ see its docs for details.
>>> m1 = new.module('_m1')
>>> m2 = new.module('_m2')
>>> test_data = \"""
... def f():
... def _f():
... '''>>> assert 1 == 1
... '''
... def g():
......@@ -785,26 +785,32 @@ see its docs for details.
... \"""
>>> exec test_data in m1.__dict__
>>> exec test_data in m2.__dict__
>>> m1.__dict__.update({"f2": m2._f, "g2": m2.g, "h2": m2.H})
Tests that objects outside m1 are excluded:
>>> d = {"_f": m1.f, "g": m1.g, "h": m1.H,
... "f2": m2.f, "g2": m2.g, "h2": m2.H}
>>> t = Tester(globs={}, verbose=0)
>>> t.rundict(d, "rundict_test", m1) # _f, f2 and g2 and h2 skipped
>>> t.rundict(m1.__dict__, "rundict_test", m1) # _f, f2 and g2 and h2 skipped
(0, 3)
Again, but with a custom isprivate function allowing _f:
>>> t = Tester(globs={}, verbose=0, isprivate=lambda x,y: 0)
>>> t.rundict(d, "rundict_test_pvt", m1) # Only f2, g2 and h2 skipped
>>> t.rundict(m1.__dict__, "rundict_test_pvt", m1) # Only f2, g2 and h2 skipped
(0, 4)
And once more, not excluding stuff outside m1:
>>> t = Tester(globs={}, verbose=0, isprivate=lambda x,y: 0)
>>> t.rundict(d, "rundict_test_pvt") # None are skipped.
>>> t.rundict(m1.__dict__, "rundict_test_pvt") # None are skipped.
(0, 8)
The exclusion of objects from outside the designated module is
meant to be invoked automagically by testmod.
>>> testmod(m1)
(0, 3)
if not hasattr(d, "items"):
......@@ -1037,7 +1043,7 @@ def testmod(m, name=None, globs=None, verbose=None, isprivate=None,
name = m.__name__
tester = Tester(m, globs=globs, verbose=verbose, isprivate=isprivate)
failures, tries = tester.rundoc(m, name)
f, t = tester.rundict(m.__dict__, name)
f, t = tester.rundict(m.__dict__, name, m)
failures = failures + f
tries = tries + t
if hasattr(m, "__test__"):
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