Commit 92c7e30a authored by Ngalim Siregar's avatar Ngalim Siregar Committed by Paul Ganssle

bpo-37642: Update acceptable offsets in timezone (GH-14878)

This fixes an inconsistency between the Python and C implementations of
the datetime module. The pure python version of the code was not
accepting offsets greater than 23:59 but less than 24:00. This is an
accidental legacy of the original implementation, which was put in place
before tzinfo allowed sub-minute time zone offsets.

parent ed70a344
......@@ -2269,7 +2269,7 @@ class timezone(tzinfo):
raise TypeError("fromutc() argument must be a datetime instance"
" or None")
_maxoffset = timedelta(hours=23, minutes=59)
_maxoffset = timedelta(hours=24, microseconds=-1)
_minoffset = -_maxoffset
......@@ -2293,8 +2293,11 @@ class timezone(tzinfo):
return f'UTC{sign}{hours:02d}:{minutes:02d}'
timezone.utc = timezone._create(timedelta(0))
timezone.min = timezone._create(timezone._minoffset)
timezone.max = timezone._create(timezone._maxoffset)
# bpo-37642: These attributes are rounded to the nearest minute for backwards
# compatibility, even though the constructor will accept a wider range of
# values. This may change in the future.
timezone.min = timezone._create(-timedelta(hours=23, minutes=59))
timezone.max = timezone._create(timedelta(hours=23, minutes=59))
_EPOCH = datetime(1970, 1, 1, tzinfo=timezone.utc)
# Some time zone algebra. For a datetime x, let
......@@ -388,6 +388,31 @@ class TestTimeZone(unittest.TestCase):
tz_copy = copy.deepcopy(tz)
self.assertIs(tz_copy, tz)
def test_offset_boundaries(self):
# Test timedeltas close to the boundaries
time_deltas = [
timedelta(hours=23, minutes=59),
timedelta(hours=23, minutes=59, seconds=59),
timedelta(hours=23, minutes=59, seconds=59, microseconds=999999),
time_deltas.extend([-delta for delta in time_deltas])
for delta in time_deltas:
with self.subTest(test_type='good', delta=delta):
# Test timedeltas on and outside the boundaries
bad_time_deltas = [
timedelta(hours=24, microseconds=1),
bad_time_deltas.extend([-delta for delta in bad_time_deltas])
for delta in bad_time_deltas:
with self.subTest(test_type='bad', delta=delta):
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
# Base class for testing a particular aspect of timedelta, time, date and
......@@ -1881,3 +1881,4 @@ Aleksandr Balezin
Robert Leenders
Tim Hopper
Dan Lidral-Porter
Ngalim Siregar
Allowed the pure Python implementation of :class:`datetime.timezone` to represent
sub-minute offsets close to minimum and maximum boundaries, specifically in the
ranges (23:59, 24:00) and (-23:59, 24:00). Patch by Ngalim Siregar
......@@ -1099,7 +1099,9 @@ new_timezone(PyObject *offset, PyObject *name)
return PyDateTime_TimeZone_UTC;
if ((GET_TD_DAYS(offset) == -1 && GET_TD_SECONDS(offset) == 0) ||
if ((GET_TD_DAYS(offset) == -1 &&
GET_TD_SECONDS(offset) == 0 &&
GET_TD_MICROSECONDS(offset) < 1) ||
GET_TD_DAYS(offset) < -1 || GET_TD_DAYS(offset) >= 1) {
PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "offset must be a timedelta"
" strictly between -timedelta(hours=24) and"
......@@ -1169,7 +1171,9 @@ call_tzinfo_method(PyObject *tzinfo, const char *name, PyObject *tzinfoarg)
if (offset == Py_None || offset == NULL)
return offset;
if (PyDelta_Check(offset)) {
if ((GET_TD_DAYS(offset) == -1 && GET_TD_SECONDS(offset) == 0) ||
if ((GET_TD_DAYS(offset) == -1 &&
GET_TD_SECONDS(offset) == 0 &&
GET_TD_MICROSECONDS(offset) < 1) ||
GET_TD_DAYS(offset) < -1 || GET_TD_DAYS(offset) >= 1) {
PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "offset must be a timedelta"
......@@ -6481,6 +6485,9 @@ PyInit__datetime(void)
PyDateTime_TimeZone_UTC = x;
CAPI.TimeZone_UTC = PyDateTime_TimeZone_UTC;
/* bpo-37642: These attributes are rounded to the nearest minute for backwards
* compatibility, even though the constructor will accept a wider range of
* values. This may change in the future.*/
delta = new_delta(-1, 60, 0, 1); /* -23:59 */
if (delta == NULL)
return NULL;
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