Commit 92f21b13 authored by Raymond Hettinger's avatar Raymond Hettinger

Document Jim Fulton's docttest extensions.

parent b6d2f3e0
......@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ def factorial(n):
raise ValueError("n must be >= 0")
if math.floor(n) != n:
raise ValueError("n must be exact integer")
if n+1 == n: # e.g., 1e300
if n+1 == n: # catch a value like 1e300
raise OverflowError("n too large")
result = 1
factor = 2
......@@ -243,13 +243,75 @@ value of the example).
\subsection{Advanced Usage}
\function{testmod()} actually creates a local instance of class
\class{Tester}, runs appropriate methods of that class, and merges
the results into global \class{Tester} instance \code{master}.
You can create your own instances of \class{Tester}, and so build your
own policies, or even run methods of \code{master} directly. See
\code{Tester.__doc__} for details.
Several module level functions are available for controlling how doctests
are run.
\begin{funcdesc}{debug}{module, name}
Debug a single docstring containing doctests.
Provide the \var{module} (or dotted name of the module) containing the
docstring to be debugged and the \var{name} (within the module) of the
object with the docstring to be debugged.
The doctest examples are extracted (see function \function{testsource()}),
and written to a temporary file. The Python debugger, \refmodule{pdb},
is then invoked on that file.
This function provides the most basic interface to the doctests.
It creates a local instance of class \class{Tester}, runs appropriate
methods of that class, and merges the results into the global \class{Tester}
instance, \code{master}.
To get finer control than \function{testmod()} offers, create an instance
of \class{Tester} with custom policies and run the methods of \code{master}
directly. See \code{Tester.__doc__} for details.
\begin{funcdesc}{testsource}{module, name}
Extract the doctest examples from a docstring.
Provide the \var{module} (or dotted name of the module) containing the
tests to be extracted and the \var{name} (within the module) of the object
with the docstring containing the tests to be extracted.
The doctest examples are returned as a string containing Python
code. The expected output blocks in the examples are converted
to Python comments.
Convert doctest tests for a module to a \refmodule{unittest}
The returned \class{TestSuite} is to be run by the unittest framework
and runs each doctest in the module. If any of the doctests fail,
then the synthesized unit test fails, and a \exception{DocTestTestFailure}
exception is raised showing the name of the file containing the test and a
(sometimes approximate) line number.
The optional \var{module} argument provides the module to be tested. It
can be a module object or a (possibly dotted) module name. If not
specified, the module calling \function{DocTestSuite()} is used.
Example using one of the many ways that the \refmodule{unittest} module
can use a \class{TestSuite}:
import unittest
import doctest
import my_module_with_doctests
suite = doctest.DocTestSuite(my_module_with_doctests)
runner = unittest.TextTestRunner()
\subsection{How are Docstring Examples Recognized?}
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