Commit 93808c79 authored by Steve Dower's avatar Steve Dower

Adds warning to prepare_ssl when nasm is not available.

Force clean externals on buildbots.
parents 9dd21c6c 7343ce69
......@@ -174,6 +174,9 @@ def main():
if not find_all_on_path('nmake.exe'):
print('Could not find nmake.exe, try running env.bat')
if not find_all_on_path('nasm.exe'):
print('Could not find nasm.exe, please add to PATH')
# Put our working Perl at the front of our path
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ call "%~dp0clean.bat" %*
@rem a new version of an external library, especially Tcl/Tk):
@rem 1) uncomment the following line:
@rem call "%~dp0..\..\PCbuild\get_externals.bat" --clean-only
call "%~dp0..\..\PCbuild\get_externals.bat" --clean-only
@rem 2) commit and push
@rem 3) wait for all Windows bots to start a build with that changeset
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