Commit 93935dd9 authored by Fred Drake's avatar Fred Drake

- update description of isleap()

- add link to the datetime module
parent 8ad401d6
......@@ -42,7 +42,8 @@ Returns the current setting for the weekday to start each week.
Returns \code{1} if \var{year} is a leap year, otherwise \code{0}.
Returns \constant{True} if \var{year} is a leap year, otherwise
\begin{funcdesc}{leapdays}{y1, y2}
......@@ -108,5 +109,8 @@ an epoch of 1970, and the POSIX encoding. In fact,
\seemodule{datetime}{Object-oriented interface to dates and times
with similar functionality to the
\refmodule{time} module.}
\seemodule{time}{Low-level time related functions.}
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