Commit 95b935ba authored by Jack Jansen's avatar Jack Jansen

Addition by Bill Bedford: Ordinal and NOrdinal classes so we can

implement "every", etc.
parent 1180608f
......@@ -185,6 +185,31 @@ class NComparison(Comparison):
def __init__(self, obj1, obj2):
Comparison.__init__(obj1, self.relo, obj2)
class Ordinal:
"""An AE Ordinal"""
def __init__(self, abso):
# self.obj1 = obj1
self.abso = "%-4.4s" % str(abso)
def __repr__(self):
return "Ordinal(%s)" % (`self.abso`)
def __str__(self):
return "%s" % (string.strip(self.abso))
def __aepack__(self):
return pack(self.abso, 'abso')
def IsOrdinal(x):
return IsInstance(x, Ordinal)
class NOrdinal(Ordinal):
# The class attribute 'abso' must be set in a subclass
def __init__(self):
Ordinal.__init__(self, self.abso)
class Logical:
"""An AE logical expression object"""
......@@ -533,7 +558,7 @@ exec template % ("Text", 'text')
exec template % ("Character", 'cha ')
exec template % ("Word", 'cwor')
exec template % ("Line", 'clin')
exec template % ("Paragraph", 'cpar')
exec template % ("paragraph", 'cpar')
exec template % ("Window", 'cwin')
exec template % ("Document", 'docu')
exec template % ("File", 'file')
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