Commit 95bebb72 authored by terryjreedy's avatar terryjreedy Committed by GitHub

bpo-30934: Document coverage details for idlelib tests (#2711)

* Add section to idlelib/idle-test/README.txt.
* Include check that branches are taken both ways.
* Exclude IDLE-specific code that does not run during unit tests.
parent 50f58163
......@@ -159,3 +159,59 @@ complete, though some tests need improvement. To run all htests, run the
htest file from an editor or from the command line with:
python -m idlelib.idle_test.htest
5. Test Coverage
Install the coverage package into your Python 3.6 site-packages
directory. (Its exact location depends on the OS).
> python3 -m pip install coverage
(On Windows, replace 'python3 with 'py -3.6' or perhaps just 'python'.)
The problem with running coverage with repository python is that
coverage uses absolute imports for its submodules, hence it needs to be
in a directory in sys.path. One solution: copy the package to the
directory containing the cpython repository. Call it 'dev'. Then run
coverage either directly or from a script in that directory so that
'dev' is prepended to sys.path.
Either edit or add dev/.coveragerc so it looks something like this.
# .coveragerc sets coverage options.
branch = True
# Regexes for lines to exclude from consideration
exclude_lines =
# Don't complain if non-runnable code isn't run:
if 0:
if __name__ == .__main__.:
.*# htest #
if not _utest:
if _htest:
The additions for IDLE are 'branch = True', to test coverage both ways,
and the last three exclude lines, to exclude things peculiar to IDLE
that are not executed during tests.
A script like the following cover.bat (for Windows) is very handy.
@echo off
rem Usage: cover filename [test_ suffix] # proper case required by coverage
rem filename without .py, 2nd parameter if test is not test_filename
set py=f:\dev\3x\pcbuild\win32\python_d.exe
set src=idlelib.%1
if "%2" EQU "" set tst=f:/dev/3x/Lib/idlelib/idle_test/
if "%2" NEQ "" set tst=f:/dev/ex/Lib/idlelib/idle_test/
%py% -m coverage run --pylib --source=%src% %tst%
%py% -m coverage report --show-missing
%py% -m coverage html
start htmlcov\3x_Lib_idlelib_%1_py.html
rem Above opens new report; htmlcov\index.html displays report index
The second parameter was added for tests of module x not named test_x.
(There were several before modules were renamed, now only one is left.)
Document coverage details for idlelib tests.
* Add section to idlelib/idle-test/README.txt.
* Include check that branches are taken both ways.
* Exclude IDLE-specific code that does not run during unit tests.
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