@@ -721,7 +721,7 @@ facilitate development of tkinter programs. Enter <code class="docutils literal
<spanclass="pre">root</span><spanclass="pre">=</span><spanclass="pre">tk.Tk()</span></code> in standard Python and nothing appears. Enter the same
in IDLE and a tk window appears. In standard Python, one must also enter
<codeclass="docutils literal notranslate"><spanclass="pre">root.update()</span></code> to see the window. IDLE does the equivalent in the
background, about 20 times a second, which is about every 50 milleseconds.
background, about 20 times a second, which is about every 50 milliseconds.
Next enter <codeclass="docutils literal notranslate"><spanclass="pre">b</span><spanclass="pre">=</span><spanclass="pre">tk.Button(root,</span><spanclass="pre">text='button');</span><spanclass="pre">b.pack()</span></code>. Again,
nothing visibly changes in standard Python until one enters <codeclass="docutils literal notranslate"><spanclass="pre">root.update()</span></code>.</p>
<p>Most tkinter programs run <codeclass="docutils literal notranslate"><spanclass="pre">root.mainloop()</span></code>, which usually does not