Commit 973e6c2c authored by Benjamin Peterson's avatar Benjamin Peterson

remove py3k warnings about the threading api; update docs

Reviewer: Benjamin Peterson
parent 057dfddc
......@@ -14,11 +14,12 @@ The :mod:`dummy_threading` module is provided for situations where
.. note::
Some ``camelCase`` names have been converted to their underscored
equivalents. Others have been replaced by properties. Using the old methods
in 2.6 will trigger a :exc:`DeprecationWarning` when Python is run with the
:option:`-3` flag and a full :exc:`DeprecationWarning` in 3.0. The old names
will be removed early in the 3.x series.
Starting with Python 2.6, this module provides PEP 8 compliant aliases and
properties to replace the ``camelCase`` names that were inspired by Java's
threading API. This updated API is compatible with that of the
:mod:`multiprocessing` module. However, no schedule has been set for the
deprecation of the ``camelCase`` names and they remain fully supported in
both Python 2.x and 3.x.
This module defines the following functions and objects:
......@@ -272,41 +272,6 @@ class TestPy3KWarnings(unittest.TestCase):
def __hash__(self): pass
self.assertEqual(len(w.warnings), 0)
def test_pep8ified_threading(self):
import threading
t = threading.Thread()
with catch_warning() as w:
msg = "isDaemon() is deprecated in favor of the " \
"Thread.daemon property"
self.assertWarning(t.isDaemon(), w, msg)
msg = "setDaemon() is deprecated in favor of the " \
"Thread.daemon property"
self.assertWarning(t.setDaemon(True), w, msg)
msg = "getName() is deprecated in favor of the " \
" property"
self.assertWarning(t.getName(), w, msg)
msg = "setName() is deprecated in favor of the " \
" property"
self.assertWarning(t.setName("name"), w, msg)
msg = "isAlive() is deprecated in favor of is_alive()"
self.assertWarning(t.isAlive(), w, msg)
e = threading.Event()
msg = "isSet() is deprecated in favor of is_set()"
self.assertWarning(e.isSet(), w, msg)
msg = "currentThread() is deprecated in favor of current_thread()"
self.assertWarning(threading.currentThread(), w, msg)
msg = "activeCount() is deprecated in favor of active_count()"
self.assertWarning(threading.activeCount(), w, msg)
class TestStdlibRemovals(unittest.TestCase):
......@@ -15,6 +15,17 @@ from time import time as _time, sleep as _sleep
from traceback import format_exc as _format_exc
from collections import deque
# Note regarding PEP 8 compliant aliases
# This threading model was originally inspired by Java, and inherited
# the convention of camelCase function and method names from that
# language. While those names are not in any imminent danger of being
# deprecated, starting with Python 2.6, the module now provides a
# PEP 8 compliant alias for any such method name.
# Using the new PEP 8 compliant names also facilitates substitution
# with the multiprocessing module, which doesn't provide the old
# Java inspired names.
# Rename some stuff so "from threading import *" is safe
__all__ = ['activeCount', 'active_count', 'Condition', 'currentThread',
'current_thread', 'enumerate', 'Event',
......@@ -33,19 +44,6 @@ del thread
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=DeprecationWarning,
module='threading', message='sys.exc_clear')
def _old_api(callable, old_name):
if not _sys.py3kwarning:
return callable
def old(*args, **kwargs):
warnings.warnpy3k("{0}() is deprecated in favor of {1}()"
.format(old_name, callable.__name__),
return callable(*args, **kwargs)
old.__name__ = old_name
return old
# Debug support (adapted from
# All the major classes here derive from _Verbose. We force that to
# be a new-style class so that all the major classes here are new-style.
......@@ -287,10 +285,10 @@ class _Condition(_Verbose):
except ValueError:
def notify_all(self):
def notifyAll(self):
notifyAll = _old_api(notify_all, "notifyAll")
notify_all = notifyAll
def Semaphore(*args, **kwargs):
......@@ -368,10 +366,10 @@ class _Event(_Verbose):
self.__cond = Condition(Lock())
self.__flag = False
def is_set(self):
def isSet(self):
return self.__flag
isSet = _old_api(is_set, "isSet")
is_set = isSet
def set(self):
......@@ -666,11 +664,11 @@ class Thread(_Verbose):
assert self.__initialized, "Thread.__init__() not called"
return self.__ident
def is_alive(self):
def isAlive(self):
assert self.__initialized, "Thread.__init__() not called"
return self.__started.is_set() and not self.__stopped
isAlive = _old_api(is_alive, "isAlive")
is_alive = isAlive
def daemon(self):
......@@ -686,23 +684,15 @@ class Thread(_Verbose):
self.__daemonic = daemonic
def isDaemon(self):
warnings.warnpy3k("isDaemon() is deprecated in favor of the " \
"Thread.daemon property")
return self.daemon
def setDaemon(self, daemonic):
warnings.warnpy3k("setDaemon() is deprecated in favor of the " \
"Thread.daemon property")
self.daemon = daemonic
def getName(self):
warnings.warnpy3k("getName() is deprecated in favor of the " \
" property")
def setName(self, name):
warnings.warnpy3k("setName() is deprecated in favor of the " \
" property") = name
# The timer class was contributed by Itamar Shtull-Trauring
......@@ -803,22 +793,22 @@ class _DummyThread(Thread):
# Global API functions
def current_thread():
def currentThread():
return _active[_get_ident()]
except KeyError:
##print "current_thread(): no current thread for", _get_ident()
return _DummyThread()
currentThread = _old_api(current_thread, "currentThread")
current_thread = currentThread
def active_count():
def activeCount():
count = len(_active) + len(_limbo)
return count
activeCount = _old_api(active_count, "activeCount")
active_count = activeCount
def enumerate():
......@@ -53,6 +53,8 @@ C-API
- The deprecation warnings for the old camelCase threading API were removed.
- logging: fixed lack of use of encoding attribute specified on a stream.
- Silenced a trivial compiler warning in the sqlite module.
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