Commit 9841ed4b authored by Guido van Rossum's avatar Guido van Rossum

new syntax

parent 15a91798
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ if sys.argv[1:]:
if sys.argv[2:]:
HOST = sys.argv[2]
if HOST = 'all':
if HOST == 'all':
HOST = '<broadcast>'
MAX = 1400
......@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ def main():
s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM)
if HOST = '<broadcast>':
if HOST == '<broadcast>':
addr = HOST, PORT
......@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ def main():
while 1:
while qtest():
dev, val = qread()
if dev = REDRAW:
if dev == REDRAW:
w, h = getsize()
ortho2(0, w, 0, h)
......@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ def main():
fps = 0
elif dev = ESCKEY:
elif dev == ESCKEY:
......@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ def wrheader(f, w, h, pf):
f.write('CMIF video 1.0\n')
f.write(`w,h,pf` + '\n')
print 'width,height,pf:', w, h, pf,
if pf = 0: pf = 4
if pf == 0: pf = 4
print '(i.e.,', w*h*pf, 'bytes/frame)'
def main():
......@@ -103,14 +103,14 @@ def main():
austart = 0
optlist, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],'ca:sp:')
for opt, arg in optlist:
if opt = '-c':
if opt == '-c':
pf = 0
elif opt = '-a':
elif opt == '-a':
ausync = 1
aumachine = arg
elif opt = '-s':
elif opt == '-s':
austart = 1
elif opt = '-p':
elif opt == '-p':
pf = int(eval(arg))
......@@ -184,13 +184,13 @@ def main():
if qtest() or \
not (mousing or inrunning or insingle or outrunning or outsingle):
ev, val = qread()
if ev = LEFTMOUSE and val = 1:
if ev == LEFTMOUSE and val == 1:
mousing = 1
ox, oy = getorigin()
x = getvaluator(MOUSEX)-ox
y = getvaluator(MOUSEY)-oy
elif ev = LEFTMOUSE and val = 0:
elif ev == LEFTMOUSE and val == 0:
if h < 0:
y, h = y+h, -h
if w < 0:
......@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ def main():
wrheader(f, w, h, pf)
sizewritten = 1
prealloc(w, h)
elif ev = RKEY and val = 1:
elif ev == RKEY and val == 1:
if not inrunning:
......@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ def main():
starttime = time.millitimer()
if ausync:
ctl.sendto(`(1,starttime)`, aua)
elif ev = PKEY and val = 1 and outrunning:
elif ev == PKEY and val == 1 and outrunning:
outrunning = 0
stoptime = time.millitimer()
if ausync:
......@@ -222,11 +222,11 @@ def main():
print 'Saving...'
saveframes(f, w, h, pf)
print 'Done.'
elif ev = PKEY and val = 1 and not outrunning:
elif ev == PKEY and val == 1 and not outrunning:
outsingle = 1
elif ev = CKEY and val = 1:
elif ev == CKEY and val == 1:
inrunning = 1
elif ev = SKEY and val = 1:
elif ev == SKEY and val == 1:
if outrunning:
elif inrunning:
......@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ def main():
if ausync:
ctl.sendto(`(2,time.millitimer())`, aua)
raise stop
elif ev = REDRAW:
elif ev == REDRAW:
......@@ -96,11 +96,11 @@ def hsv_to_rgb(h,s,v):
q = v*(1.0-s*f)
t = v*(1.0-s*(1.0-f))
if i in (0,6): return v,t,p
if i = 1: return q,v,p
if i = 2: return p,v,t
if i = 3: return p,q,v
if i = 4: return t,p,v
if i = 5: return v,p,q
if i == 1: return q,v,p
if i == 2: return p,v,t
if i == 3: return p,q,v
if i == 4: return t,p,v
if i == 5: return v,p,q
print i, h, f
print h, s, v
raise 'Bad color'
......@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ def packline(line):
i, n = 1, len(bytes)
while i < n:
for pack in (0, 2, 4, 8):
if pack = 0:
if pack == 0:
lo, hi = 0, 0
hi = pow(2, pack-1)-1
......@@ -70,8 +70,8 @@ def mainloop(ofile, ctl, inp, out, globaltime):
# buffer. Discard all buffered data upto his starttime
startstop,histime = eval(ctl.recv(100))
if (ofile = None and startstop = 0) or \
(ofile <> None and startstop = 1):
if (ofile == None and startstop == 0) or \
(ofile <> None and startstop == 1):
print 'Sync error: saving=',save,' request=',startstop
filllevel = inp.getfilled()
......@@ -89,6 +89,6 @@ def mainloop(ofile, ctl, inp, out, globaltime):
print 'Time: ', time.millitimer()-starttime, ', Bytes: ', totbytes, ', Samples: ', totsamps
if ofile <> None:
return (startstop = 2)
return (startstop == 2)
......@@ -44,10 +44,10 @@ def main():
while 1:
if qtest():
dev, val = qread()
if dev = ESCKEY:
if dev == ESCKEY:
elif dev = REDRAW:
elif dev == REDRAW:
oldw, oldh = reshape()
elif s.avail():
data = s.recv(17000)
......@@ -7,10 +7,10 @@ from DEVICE import *
def loadframe(f, w, h, pf):
line = f.readline()
if not line or line = '\n':
if not line or line == '\n':
raise EOFError
x = eval(line[:-1])
if type(x) = type(0):
if type(x) == type(0):
if pf: size = w*h*4
else: size = w*h*pf
......@@ -47,10 +47,10 @@ def main():
ofp = open(ofile, 'w')
line = ifp.readline()
if line[:4] = 'CMIF':
if line[:4] == 'CMIF':
line = ifp.readline()
x = eval(line[:-1])
if len(x) = 3:
if len(x) == 3:
w, h, pf = x
w, h = x
......@@ -82,11 +82,11 @@ def main():
dev, val = qread()
if dev = REDRAW:
if dev == REDRAW:
elif dev = KEYBD:
elif dev == KEYBD:
c = chr(val)
if c = 'n':
if c == 'n':
time, data = loadframe(ifp, w, h, pf)
iframe = iframe+1
......@@ -94,13 +94,13 @@ def main():
except EOFError:
print 'EOF'
elif c = 'w':
elif c == 'w':
ofp.write(`time, len(data)` + '\n')
print 'Frame', iframe, 'written.'
print 'Character', `c`, 'ignored'
elif dev = INPUTCHANGE:
elif dev == INPUTCHANGE:
print '(dev, val) =', (dev, val)
......@@ -31,26 +31,26 @@ def openvideo(name):
line = f.readline()
if not line: raise EndOfFile
if line[:4] = 'CMIF':
if line[:14] = 'CMIF video 2.0':
if line[:4] == 'CMIF':
if line[:14] == 'CMIF video 2.0':
line = f.readline()
colorinfo = eval(line[:-1])
colorinfo = (8,0,0,0)
line = f.readline()
x = eval(line[:-1])
if len(x) = 3: w, h, pf = x
if len(x) == 3: w, h, pf = x
else: w, h = x; pf = 2
return f, w, h, pf, colorinfo
def loadframe(f,w,h,pf,af,spkr, (ybits,ibits,qbits,chrompack),mf):
line = f.readline()
if line = '':
if line == '':
raise EndOfFile
x = eval(line[:-1])
if type(x) = type(0) or type(x) = type(0.0):
if type(x) == type(0) or type(x) == type(0.0):
tijd = x
if pf = 0:
if pf == 0:
size = w*h*4
size = (w/pf) * (h/pf)
......@@ -98,10 +98,10 @@ def initcmap(ybits,ibits,qbits,chrompack):
for y in range(maxy):
yv = float(y)/float(maxy-1)
for i in range(maxi):
if maxi = 1: iv = 0
if maxi == 1: iv = 0
else: iv = (float(i)/float(maxi-1))-0.5
for q in range(maxq):
if maxq = 1: qv = 0
if maxq == 1: qv = 0
else: qv = (float(q)/float(maxq-1))-0.5
index = 2048 + y + (i << ybits) + (q << (ybits+ibits))
rv,gv,bv = colorsys.yiq_to_rgb(yv,iv,qv)
......@@ -125,13 +125,13 @@ def main():
'[-l] [-p pf] [-m mag] [-F] [moviefile [soundfile [skipbytes]]]\n')
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt = '-m':
if opt == '-m':
magfactor = int(eval(arg))
elif opt = '-p':
elif opt == '-p':
packfactor = int(eval(arg))
elif opt = '-l':
elif opt == '-l':
looping = 1
elif opt = '-F':
elif opt == '-F':
epoch.correcttiming = 0
if args:
filename = args[0]
......@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ def main():
dev, val = qread()
raise bye
elif dev = REDRAW:
elif dev == REDRAW:
except bye:
......@@ -14,20 +14,20 @@ def openvideo(filename):
f = open(filename, 'r')
line = f.readline()
if not line: raise EndOfFile
if line[:4] = 'CMIF': line = f.readline()
if line[:4] == 'CMIF': line = f.readline()
x = eval(line[:-1])
if len(x) = 3: w, h, pf = x
if len(x) == 3: w, h, pf = x
else: w, h = x; pf = 2
return f, w, h, pf
def loadframe(f, w, h, pf):
line = f.readline()
if line = '':
if line == '':
raise EndOfFile
x = eval(line[:-1])
if type(x) = type(0) or type(x) = type(0.0):
if type(x) == type(0) or type(x) == type(0.0):
tijd = x
if pf = 0:
if pf == 0:
size = w*h*4
size = (w/pf) * (h/pf)
......@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@ def main():
delta = 0
opts, names = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'd')
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt = '-d': delta = 1
if names = []:
if opt == '-d': delta = 1
if names == []:
names = ['']
for name in names:
......@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ def main():
else: print '\t', tijd,
otijd = tijd
num = num + 1
if num % 8 = 0:
if num % 8 == 0:
except EndOfFile:
raise bye
......@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ class VTime():
print 'Someone else syncing to us: ', other
raise bad_connect
data = eval(data)
if data[:2] = (loopct+1,curtijd):
if data[:2] == (loopct+1,curtijd):
if data[0] <> 2:
print 'Illegal sync reply: ', data
......@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ class VTime():
if data[0] in (0,2):
curtijd = time.millitimer()
elif data[0] = 4:
elif data[0] == 4:
newtijd = time.millitimer()
histime = data[1]
mytime = timeavg(curtijd,newtijd)
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