Commit 99132051 authored by Berker Peksag's avatar Berker Peksag

Issue #25366: Skip test_with_pip when threading module is not available

Some dependencies of pip import threading module unconditionally so
we need to skip the test to make buildbots happy.
parents 9d4f3d81 1b25eff7
......@@ -25,6 +25,11 @@ try:
except ImportError:
ssl = None
import threading
except ImportError:
threading = None
skipInVenv = unittest.skipIf(sys.prefix != sys.base_prefix,
'Test not appropriate in a venv')
......@@ -319,6 +324,8 @@ class EnsurePipTest(BaseTest):
# Requesting pip fails without SSL (
@unittest.skipIf(ssl is None, ensurepip._MISSING_SSL_MESSAGE)
@unittest.skipUnless(threading, 'some dependencies of pip import threading'
' module unconditionally')
def test_with_pip(self):
with EnvironmentVarGuard() as envvars:
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