Commit 9c564755 authored by Jack Jansen's avatar Jack Jansen

Added a convenience routine pathname() which accepts either a string, unicode,

FSSpec or FSRef object and returns an 8-bit pathname (utf8 encoded).
parent 2cf08ab4
......@@ -14,9 +14,9 @@
/* Macro to test whether a weak-loaded CFM function exists */
#define PyMac_PRECHECK(rtn) do { if ( &rtn == NULL ) {\
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_NotImplementedError, \
"Not available in this shared library/OS version"); \
return NULL; \
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_NotImplementedError, \
"Not available in this shared library/OS version"); \
return NULL; \
}} while(0)
......@@ -2999,6 +2999,23 @@ static PyObject *File_FSUpdateAlias(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
return _res;
static PyObject *File_pathname(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
PyObject *_res = NULL;
PyObject *obj;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O", &obj))
return NULL;
if (PyString_Check(obj))
return obj;
if (PyUnicode_Check(obj))
return PyUnicode_AsEncodedString(obj, "utf8", "strict");
_res = PyObject_CallMethod(obj, "as_pathname", NULL);
return _res;
static PyMethodDef File_methods[] = {
{"UnmountVol", (PyCFunction)File_UnmountVol, 1,
PyDoc_STR("(Str63 volName, short vRefNum) -> None")},
......@@ -3100,6 +3117,8 @@ static PyMethodDef File_methods[] = {
PyDoc_STR("(Boolean resolveAliasChains) -> (FSRef theRef, Boolean targetIsFolder, Boolean wasAliased)")},
{"FSUpdateAlias", (PyCFunction)File_FSUpdateAlias, 1,
PyDoc_STR("(FSRef fromFile, FSRef target, AliasHandle alias) -> (Boolean wasChanged)")},
{"pathname", (PyCFunction)File_pathname, 1,
PyDoc_STR("(str|unicode|FSSpec|FSref) -> pathname")},
......@@ -844,6 +844,21 @@ f = ManualGenerator("as_tuple", FSSpec_as_tuple_body)
f.docstring = lambda: "() -> (vRefNum, dirID, name)"
pathname_body = """
PyObject *obj;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O", &obj))
return NULL;
if (PyString_Check(obj))
return obj;
if (PyUnicode_Check(obj))
return PyUnicode_AsEncodedString(obj, "utf8", "strict");
_res = PyObject_CallMethod(obj, "as_pathname", NULL);
return _res;
f = ManualGenerator("pathname", pathname_body)
f.docstring = lambda: "(str|unicode|FSSpec|FSref) -> pathname"
# add the populated lists to the generator groups
# (in a different wordl the scan program would generate this)
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