Commit 9c9dbf0a authored by Tim Peters's avatar Tim Peters

k_mul(): Repaired typo in comment.

parent a0f082fa
......@@ -1562,7 +1562,7 @@ k_mul(PyLongObject *a, PyLongObject *b)
/* (ah*X+al)(bh*X+bl) = ah*bh*X*X + (ah*bl + al*bh)*X + al*bl
* Let k = (ah+al)*(bh+bl) = ah*bl + al*bh + ah*bh + al*bl
* Then the original product is
* ah*bh*X*X + (k - ah*bh - ah*bl)*X + al*bl
* ah*bh*X*X + (k - ah*bh - al*bl)*X + al*bl
* By picking X to be a power of 2, "*X" is just shifting, and it's
* been reduced to 3 multiplies on numbers half the size.
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