Commit 9caa0d16 authored by Barry Warsaw's avatar Barry Warsaw

guess_all_extensions(): Return the empty list instead of None when

there are no matching types.  Updated the docs and docstrings.  Added
some unit tests.
parent e07b8359
......@@ -53,8 +53,7 @@ Guess the extensions for a file based on its MIME type, given by
The return value is a list of strings giving all possible filename extensions,
including the leading dot (\character{.}). The extensions are not guaranteed
to have been associated with any particular data stream, but would be mapped
to the MIME type \var{type} by \function{guess_type()}. If no extension can
be guessed for \var{type}, \code{None} is returned.
to the MIME type \var{type} by \function{guess_type()}.
Optional \var{strict} has the same meaning as with the
\function{guess_type()} function.
......@@ -148,10 +148,8 @@ class MimeTypes:
Return value is a list of strings giving the possible filename
extensions, including the leading dot ('.'). The extension is not
guaranteed to have been associated with any particular data
stream, but would be mapped to the MIME type `type' by
guess_type(). If no extension can be guessed for `type', None
is returned.
guaranteed to have been associated with any particular data stream,
but would be mapped to the MIME type `type' by guess_type().
Optional `strict' argument when false adds a bunch of commonly found,
but non-standard types.
......@@ -162,8 +160,7 @@ class MimeTypes:
for ext in self.types_map_inv[False].get(type, []):
if ext not in extensions:
if len(extensions):
return extensions
return extensions
def guess_extension(self, type, strict=True):
"""Guess the extension for a file based on its MIME type.
......@@ -179,9 +176,9 @@ class MimeTypes:
but non-standard types.
extensions = self.guess_all_extensions(type, strict)
if extensions is not None:
extensions = extensions[0]
return extensions
if not extensions:
return None
return extensions[0]
def read(self, filename, strict=True):
......@@ -13,42 +13,49 @@ class MimeTypesTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
self.db = mimetypes.MimeTypes()
def test_default_data(self):
("text/html", None))
("application/x-tar", "gzip"))
("application/x-tar", "gzip"))
("application/x-tar", "compress"))
eq = self.assertEqual
eq(self.db.guess_type("foo.html"), ("text/html", None))
eq(self.db.guess_type("foo.tgz"), ("application/x-tar", "gzip"))
eq(self.db.guess_type("foo.tar.gz"), ("application/x-tar", "gzip"))
eq(self.db.guess_type("foo.tar.Z"), ("application/x-tar", "compress"))
def test_data_urls(self):
("text/plain", None))
("text/plain", None))
("text/x-foo", None))
eq = self.assertEqual
guess_type = self.db.guess_type
eq(guess_type("data:,thisIsTextPlain"), ("text/plain", None))
eq(guess_type("data:;base64,thisIsTextPlain"), ("text/plain", None))
eq(guess_type("data:text/x-foo,thisIsTextXFoo"), ("text/x-foo", None))
def test_file_parsing(self):
eq = self.assertEqual
sio = StringIO.StringIO("x-application/x-unittest pyunit\n")
("x-application/x-unittest", None))
("x-application/x-unittest", None))
eq(self.db.guess_extension("x-application/x-unittest"), ".pyunit")
def test_non_standard_types(self):
eq = self.assertEqual
# First try strict
self.assertEqual(self.db.guess_type('foo.xul', strict=1),
(None, None))
self.assertEqual(self.db.guess_extension('image/jpg', strict=1),
eq(self.db.guess_type('foo.xul', strict=True), (None, None))
eq(self.db.guess_extension('image/jpg', strict=True), None)
# And then non-strict
self.assertEqual(self.db.guess_type('foo.xul', strict=0),
('text/xul', None))
self.assertEqual(self.db.guess_extension('image/jpg', strict=0),
eq(self.db.guess_type('foo.xul', strict=False), ('text/xul', None))
eq(self.db.guess_extension('image/jpg', strict=False), '.jpg')
def test_guess_all_types(self):
eq = self.assertEqual
# First try strict
all = self.db.guess_all_extensions('text/plain', strict=True)
eq(all, ['.bat', '.c', '.h', '.ksh', '.pl', '.txt'])
# And now non-strict
all = self.db.guess_all_extensions('image/jpg', strict=False)
eq(all, ['.jpg'])
# And now for no hits
all = self.db.guess_all_extensions('image/jpg', strict=True)
eq(all, [])
def test_main():
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