Commit 9f5f684c authored by Tim Peters's avatar Tim Peters

Supply long-missing docs for random.seed(). Extensive rewrite of module

intro docs.
*************** Fred:  check my LaTeX!  Also, the docs for whrandom should
*************** be moved into Obsolete Modules.
parent e1d37259
......@@ -7,37 +7,68 @@
This module implements pseudo-random number generators for various
distributions: on the real line, there are functions to compute normal
or Gaussian, lognormal, negative exponential, gamma, and beta
distributions. For generating distribution of angles, the circular
uniform and von Mises distributions are available.
For integers, uniform selection from a range.
For sequences, uniform selection of a random element, and a function to
generate a random permutation of a list in-place.
On the real line, there are functions to compute uniform, normal (Gaussian),
lognormal, negative exponential, gamma, and beta distributions.
For generating distribution of angles, the circular uniform and
von Mises distributions are available.
Almost all module functions depend on the basic function
\function{random()}, which generates a random float uniformly in
the semi-open range [0.0, 1.0). Python uses the standard Wichmann-Hill
generator, combining three pure multiplicative congruential
generators of modulus 30269, 30307 and 30323. Its period (how many
numbers it generates before repeating the sequence exactly) is
6,953,607,871,644. While of much higher quality than the \function{rand()}
function supplied by most C libraries, the theoretical properties
are much the same as for a single linear congruential generator of
large modulus.
The functions in this module are not threadsafe: if you want to call these
functions from multiple threads, you should explicitly serialize the calls.
Else, because no critical sections are implemented internally, calls
from different threads may see the same return values.
Initialize the basic random number generator.
Optional argument \var{x} can be any hashable object,
and the generator is seeded from its hash code.
It is not guaranteed that distinct hash codes will produce distinct
If \var{x} is omitted or \code{None},
the seed is derived from the current system time.
The seed is also set from the current system time when
the module is first imported.
Chooses a random element from the non-empty sequence \var{seq} and
returns it.
Return a random element from the non-empty sequence \var{seq}.
\begin{funcdesc}{randint}{a, b}
\deprecated{2.0}{Use \function{randrange()} instead.}
Returns a random integer \var{N} such that
Return a random integer \var{N} such that
\code{\var{a} <= \var{N} <= \var{b}}.
Returns the next random floating point number in the range [0.0,
\begin{funcdesc}{randrange}{\optional{start,} stop\optional{, step}}
Return a randomly selected element from \code{range(\var{start},
\var{stop}, \var{step})}. This is equivalent to
\code{choice(range(\var{start}, \var{stop}, \var{step}))}.
\code{choice(range(\var{start}, \var{stop}, \var{step}))},
but doesn't actually build a range object.
Return the next random floating point number in the range [0.0, 1.0).
\begin{funcdesc}{uniform}{a, b}
Returns a random real number \var{N} such that
Return a random real number \var{N} such that
\code{\var{a} <= \var{N} < \var{b}}.
......@@ -59,7 +90,7 @@ any statistics text.
Circular uniform distribution. \var{mean} is the mean angle, and
\var{arc} is the range of the distribution, centered around the mean
angle. Both values must be expressed in radians, and can range
between 0 and \emph{pi}. Returned values will range between
between 0 and \emph{pi}. Returned values range between
\code{\var{mean} - \var{arc}/2} and \code{\var{mean} +
......@@ -67,7 +98,7 @@ any statistics text.
Exponential distribution. \var{lambd} is 1.0 divided by the desired
mean. (The parameter would be called ``lambda'', but that is a
reserved word in Python.) Returned values will range from 0 to
reserved word in Python.) Returned values range from 0 to
positive infinity.
......@@ -86,7 +117,7 @@ any statistics text.
Log normal distribution. If you take the natural logarithm of this
distribution, you'll get a normal distribution with mean \var{mu}
and standard deviation \var{sigma}. \var{mu} can have any value,
and \var{sigma} must be greater than zero.
and \var{sigma} must be greater than zero.
\begin{funcdesc}{normalvariate}{mu, sigma}
......@@ -127,8 +158,8 @@ implements a standard useful algorithm:
long sequence can never be generated.
\seemodule{whrandom}{The standard Python pseudo-random number
\seetext{Wichmann, B. A. \& Hill, I. D., ``Algorithm AS 183:
An efficient and portable pseudo-random number generator'',
\citetitle{Applied Statistics} 31 (1982) 188-190.}
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