Commit 9f62d743 authored by Raymond Hettinger's avatar Raymond Hettinger

Add an entry for logging.

parent 3029affc
...@@ -1140,6 +1140,44 @@ decorator, :func:`~reprlib.recursive_repr`, for detecting recursive calls to ...@@ -1140,6 +1140,44 @@ decorator, :func:`~reprlib.recursive_repr`, for detecting recursive calls to
(Contributed by Raymond Hettinger in :issue:`9826` and :issue:`9840`.) (Contributed by Raymond Hettinger in :issue:`9826` and :issue:`9840`.)
In addition to dictionary based configuration described above, the
:mod:`logging` package has many other improvements.
The logging documentation has been augmented by a :ref:`basic tutorial
<logging-basic-tutorial>`\, an :ref:`advanced tutorial
<logging-advanced-tutorial>`\, and a :ref:`cookbook <logging-cookbook>` of
logging recipes. These documents are the fastest way to learn about logging.
The :func:`logging.basicConfig` set-up function gained a *style* argument to
support three different types of string formatting. It defaults to "%" for
traditional %-formatting, can be set to "{" for the new :meth:`str.format` style, or
can be set to "$" for the shell-style formatting provided by
:class:`string.Template`. The following three configurations are equivalent::
>>> from logging import basicConfig
>>> basicConfig(style='%', format="%(name)s -> %(levelname)s: %(message)s")
>>> basicConfig(style='{', format="{name} -> {levelname} {message}")
>>> basicConfig(style='$', format="$name -> $levelname: $message")
If no configuration is set-up before a logging event occurs, there is now a
default configuration using a :class:`~logging.StreamHandler` directed to
:attr:`sys.stderr` for events of ``WARNING`` level or higher. Formerly, an
event occurring before a configuration was set-up would either raise an
exception or silently drop the event depending on the value of
:attr:`logging.raiseExceptions`. The new default handler is stored in
The use of filters has been simplified. Instead of creating a
:class:`~logging.Filter` object, the predicate can be any Python callable that
returns *True* or *False*.
There were a number of other improvements that add flexibility and simplify
configuration. See the module documentation for a full listing of changes in
Python 3.2.
csv csv
--- ---
...@@ -2127,8 +2165,7 @@ reading directly from dictionaries and strings. ...@@ -2127,8 +2165,7 @@ reading directly from dictionaries and strings.
(All changes contributed by Łukasz Langa.) (All changes contributed by Łukasz Langa.)
.. XXX show a difflib example .. XXX consider showing a difflib example
.. XXX add entry for logging changes other than the dict config pep
urllib.parse urllib.parse
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