Commit a1488b2d authored by Fred Drake's avatar Fred Drake

Use \citetitle in several places.

parent 5b0cca40
......@@ -98,13 +98,13 @@ distribution, to create or maintain whole documents or sections.
three-character names:
\begin{tableii}{p{.75in}|p{3in}}{filenq}{Directory}{Document Title}
\lineii{api/}{\emph{The Python/C API}}
\lineii{doc/}{\emph{Documenting Python}}
\lineii{ext/}{\emph{Extending and Embedding the Python Interpreter}}
\lineii{lib/}{\emph{Python Library Reference}}
\lineii{mac/}{\emph{Macintosh Module Reference}}
\lineii{ref/}{\emph{Python Reference Manual}}
\lineii{tut/}{\emph{Python Tutorial}}
\lineii{api/}{\citetitle[../api/api.html]{The Python/C API}}
\lineii{doc/}{\citetitle[../doc/doc.html]{Documenting Python}}
\lineii{ext/}{\citetitle[../ext/ext.html]{Extending and Embedding the Python Interpreter}}
\lineii{lib/}{\citetitle[../lib/lib.html]{Python Library Reference}}
\lineii{mac/}{\citetitle[../mac/mac.html]{Macintosh Module Reference}}
\lineii{ref/}{\citetitle[../ref/ref.html]{Python Reference Manual}}
\lineii{tut/}{\citetitle[../tut/tut.html]{Python Tutorial}}
\term{Format-Specific Output}
......@@ -197,9 +197,10 @@ distribution, to create or maintain whole documents or sections.
The \code{manual} documents are larger and are used for most of the
standard documents. This document class is based on the standard
\LaTeX{} \code{report} class and is formatted very much like a long
technical report. The \emph{Python Reference Manual} is a good
example of a \code{manual} document, and the \emph{Python Library
Reference} is a large example.
technical report. The \citetitle[../ref/ref.html]{Python Reference
Manual} is a good example of a \code{manual} document, and the
\citetitle[../lib/lib.html]{Python Library Reference} is a large
The \code{howto} documents are shorter, and don't have the large
structure of the \code{manual} documents. This class is based on
......@@ -211,7 +212,9 @@ distribution, to create or maintain whole documents or sections.
more broad. This class is used for ``how-to'' documents (this
document is an example) and for shorter reference manuals for small,
fairly cohesive module libraries. Examples of the later use include
the standard \emph{Macintosh Library Modules} and \emph{Using
the standard \citetitle[../mac/mac.html]{Macintosh Library Modules}
Kerberos from Python}, which contains reference material for an
extension package. These documents are roughly equivalent to a
single chapter from a larger work.
......@@ -596,9 +599,10 @@ distribution, to create or maintain whole documents or sections.
\subsection{Library-level Markup}
This markup is used when describing a selection of modules. For
example, the \emph{Macintosh Library Modules} document uses this
to help provide an overview of the modules in the collection, and
many chapters in the \emph{Python Library Reference} use it for
example, the \citetitle[../mac/mac.html]{Macintosh Library
Modules} document uses this to help provide an overview of the
modules in the collection, and many chapters in the
\citetitle[../lib/lib.html]{Python Library Reference} use it for
the same purpose.
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