Commit a3085517 authored by Terry Jan Reedy's avatar Terry Jan Reedy

Issue #23184: idle tests, remove unused names and imports.

parent cdc285f1
import unittest
from import requires
from tkinter import Tk, Text, TclError
from tkinter import Tk, Text
import idlelib.AutoComplete as ac
import idlelib.AutoCompleteWindow as acw
......@@ -95,8 +95,8 @@ class AutoCompleteTest(unittest.TestCase):
del ev.mc_state
# If autocomplete window is open, complete() method is called
testwin = self.autocomplete._make_autocomplete_window()
self.text.insert('1.0', 're.')
# This must call autocomplete._make_autocomplete_window()
Equal(self.autocomplete.autocomplete_event(ev), 'break')
# If autocomplete window is not active or does not exist,
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
import unittest
from idlelib import FormatParagraph as fp
from idlelib.EditorWindow import EditorWindow
from tkinter import Tk, Text, TclError
from tkinter import Tk, Text
from import requires
......@@ -6,13 +6,13 @@ testing skipping of suite when self.needwrapbutton is false.
import unittest
from import requires
from tkinter import Tk, Toplevel, Frame, Label, BooleanVar, StringVar
from tkinter import Tk, Toplevel, Frame ##, BooleanVar, StringVar
from idlelib import SearchEngine as se
from idlelib import SearchDialogBase as sdb
from idlelib.idle_test.mock_idle import Func
from idlelib.idle_test.mock_tk import Var, Mbox
## from idlelib.idle_test.mock_tk import Var
# The following could help make some tests gui-free.
# The ## imports above & following could help make some tests gui-free.
# However, they currently make radiobutton tests fail.
##def setUpModule():
## # Replace tk objects used to initialize se.SearchEngine.
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
import re
import unittest
from import requires
# from import requires
from tkinter import BooleanVar, StringVar, TclError # ,Tk, Text
import tkinter.messagebox as tkMessageBox
from idlelib import SearchEngine as se
......@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ import unittest
from import requires
from _tkinter import TclError
import tkinter as tk
class TextTest(object):
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