Commit a37bbf2e authored by Armin Rigo's avatar Armin Rigo

What if you call lst.__init__() while it is being sorted? :-)

The invariant checks would break.
parent c0aaa2db
......@@ -2315,8 +2315,10 @@ list_init(PyListObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kw)
return -1;
/* Verify list invariants established by PyType_GenericAlloc() */
assert(0 <= self->ob_size && self->ob_size <= self->allocated);
assert(self->ob_item != NULL || self->allocated == 0);
assert(0 <= self->ob_size);
assert(self->ob_size <= self->allocated || self->allocated == -1);
assert(self->ob_item != NULL ||
self->allocated == 0 || self->allocated == -1);
/* Empty previous contents */
if (self->ob_item != NULL) {
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