Commit a398924c authored by Barry Warsaw's avatar Barry Warsaw

__normalize(): Preserve the location of the icursor and restore it so

that Left/Right arrow keys and C-a C-e all work.
parent ae4ad6e4
......@@ -74,6 +74,7 @@ class TypeinViewer:
def __normalize(self, event=None):
ew = event.widget
contents = ew.get()
icursor = ew.index(INSERT)
if contents == '':
contents = '0'
# figure out what the contents value is in the current base
......@@ -90,12 +91,14 @@ class TypeinViewer:
i = ew.index(INSERT)
contents = contents[:i-1] + contents[i:]
icursor = icursor-1
elif self.__hexp.get():
contents = hex(v)
contents = int(v)
ew.delete(0, END)
ew.insert(0, contents)
def __maybeupdate(self, event=None):
if self.__uwtyping.get() or event.keysym in ('Return', 'Tab'):
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