Commit a3e1ad27 authored by Raymond Hettinger's avatar Raymond Hettinger

Issue 7410: deepcopy of itertools.count() reset the count.

parent 8e319fc5
......@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ from fractions import Fraction
import sys
import operator
import random
import copy
import pickle
from functools import reduce
maxsize = support.MAX_Py_ssize_t
minsize = -maxsize-1
......@@ -352,6 +354,13 @@ class TestBasicOps(unittest.TestCase):
r2 = 'count(%r)'.__mod__(i).replace('L', '')
self.assertEqual(r1, r2)
# check copy, deepcopy, pickle
for value in -3, 3, maxsize-5, maxsize+5:
c = count(value)
self.assertEqual(next(copy.copy(c)), value)
self.assertEqual(next(copy.deepcopy(c)), value)
self.assertEqual(next(pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(c))), value)
def test_count_with_stride(self):
self.assertEqual(lzip('abc',count(2,3)), [('a', 2), ('b', 5), ('c', 8)])
......@@ -3049,6 +3049,22 @@ count_repr(countobject *lz)
lz->long_cnt, lz->long_step);
static PyObject *
count_reduce(countobject *lz)
if (lz->cnt == PY_SSIZE_T_MAX)
return Py_BuildValue("O(OO)", Py_TYPE(lz), lz->long_cnt, lz->long_step);
return Py_BuildValue("O(n)", Py_TYPE(lz), lz->cnt);
PyDoc_STRVAR(count_reduce_doc, "Return state information for pickling.");
static PyMethodDef count_methods[] = {
{"__reduce__", (PyCFunction)count_reduce, METH_NOARGS,
{NULL, NULL} /* sentinel */
"count(start=0, step=1]) --> count object\n\
......@@ -3090,7 +3106,7 @@ static PyTypeObject count_type = {
0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */
PyObject_SelfIter, /* tp_iter */
(iternextfunc)count_next, /* tp_iternext */
0, /* tp_methods */
count_methods, /* tp_methods */
0, /* tp_members */
0, /* tp_getset */
0, /* tp_base */
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