Commit a5060744 authored by Richard Oudkerk's avatar Richard Oudkerk

Issue #15881: Clarify comment in exit function

parent ca5a7dbc
......@@ -290,14 +290,17 @@ def _exit_function(info=info, debug=debug, _run_finalizers=_run_finalizers,
if current_process() is not None:
# We check if the current process is None here because if
# it's None, any call to ``active_children()`` will throw an
# AttributeError (active_children winds up trying to get
# attributes from util._current_process). This happens in a
# variety of shutdown circumstances that are not well-understood
# because module-scope variables are not apparently supposed to
# be destroyed until after this function is called. However,
# they are indeed destroyed before this function is called. See
# issues #9775 and #15881. Also related: #4106, #9205, and #9207.
# it's None, any call to ``active_children()`` will throw
# an AttributeError (active_children winds up trying to
# get attributes from util._current_process). One
# situation where this can happen is if someone has
# manipulated sys.modules, causing this module to be
# garbage collected. The destructor for the module type
# then replaces all values in the module dict with None.
# For instance, after setuptools runs a test it replaces
# sys.modules with a copy created earlier. See issues
# #9775 and #15881. Also related: #4106, #9205, and
# #9207.
for p in active_children():
if p._daemonic:
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