Commit a50c79f3 authored by Guido van Rossum's avatar Guido van Rossum

Issue #28556: More updates from upstream. (3.6->3.7)

parents bb132fc3 b75f4858
......@@ -378,6 +378,16 @@ class CallableTests(BaseTestCase):
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
def test_callable_wrong_forms(self):
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
Callable[[...], int]
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
Callable[(), int]
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
Callable[[()], int]
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
Callable[[int, 1], 2]
def test_callable_instance_works(self):
def f():
......@@ -1296,9 +1306,10 @@ PY36 = sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 6)
PY36_TESTS = """
from test import ann_module, ann_module2, ann_module3
from collections import ChainMap
class B:
class A:
y: float
class B(A):
x: ClassVar[Optional['B']] = None
y: int
class CSub(B):
......@@ -1317,6 +1328,15 @@ if PY36:
gth = get_type_hints
class GetTypeHintTests(BaseTestCase):
def test_get_type_hints_from_various_objects(self):
# For invalid objects should fail with TypeError (not AttributeError etc).
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
@skipUnless(PY36, 'Python 3.6 required')
def test_get_type_hints_modules(self):
self.assertEqual(gth(ann_module), {1: 2, 'f': Tuple[int, int], 'x': int, 'y': str})
......@@ -1326,18 +1346,15 @@ class GetTypeHintTests(BaseTestCase):
@skipUnless(PY36, 'Python 3.6 required')
def test_get_type_hints_classes(self):
self.assertEqual(gth(ann_module.C, ann_module.__dict__),
ChainMap({'y': Optional[ann_module.C]}, {}))
self.assertEqual(repr(gth(ann_module.j_class)), 'ChainMap({}, {})')
self.assertEqual(gth(ann_module.M), ChainMap({'123': 123, 'o': type},
{}, {}))
{'y': Optional[ann_module.C]})
self.assertIsInstance(gth(ann_module.j_class), dict)
self.assertEqual(gth(ann_module.M), {'123': 123, 'o': type})
ChainMap({'j': str, 'k': str,
'y': Optional[ann_module.C]}, {}))
self.assertEqual(gth(ann_module.Y), ChainMap({'z': int}, {}))
{'j': str, 'k': str, 'y': Optional[ann_module.C]})
self.assertEqual(gth(ann_module.Y), {'z': int})
ChainMap({}, {'y': Optional[ann_module.C]}, {}))
self.assertEqual(gth(ann_module.S), ChainMap({'x': str, 'y': str},
{'y': Optional[ann_module.C]})
self.assertEqual(gth(ann_module.S), {'x': str, 'y': str})
self.assertEqual(gth(, {'x': int})
@skipUnless(PY36, 'Python 3.6 required')
......@@ -1355,20 +1372,34 @@ class GetTypeHintTests(BaseTestCase):
class Der(ABase): ...
self.assertEqual(gth(ABase.meth), {'x': int})
def test_get_type_hints_for_builins(self):
# Should not fail for built-in classes and functions.
self.assertEqual(gth(int), {})
self.assertEqual(gth(type), {})
self.assertEqual(gth(dir), {})
self.assertEqual(gth(len), {})
def test_previous_behavior(self):
def testf(x, y): ...
testf.__annotations__['x'] = 'int'
self.assertEqual(gth(testf), {'x': int})
def test_get_type_hints_for_object_with_annotations(self):
class A: ...
class B: ...
b = B()
b.__annotations__ = {'x': 'A'}
self.assertEqual(gth(b, locals()), {'x': A})
@skipUnless(PY36, 'Python 3.6 required')
def test_get_type_hints_ClassVar(self):
self.assertEqual(gth(ann_module2.CV, ann_module2.__dict__),
{'var': typing.ClassVar[ann_module2.CV]})
self.assertEqual(gth(B, globals()),
ChainMap({'y': int, 'x': ClassVar[Optional[B]]}, {}))
{'y': int, 'x': ClassVar[Optional[B]]})
self.assertEqual(gth(CSub, globals()),
ChainMap({'z': ClassVar[CSub]},
{'y': int, 'x': ClassVar[Optional[B]]}, {}))
self.assertEqual(gth(G), ChainMap({'lst': ClassVar[List[T]]},{},{}))
{'z': ClassVar[CSub], 'y': int, 'x': ClassVar[Optional[B]]})
self.assertEqual(gth(G), {'lst': ClassVar[List[T]]})
class CollectionsAbcTests(BaseTestCase):
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