Commit a5601ddd authored by Serhiy Storchaka's avatar Serhiy Storchaka

Issue #9290: In IDLE the sys.std* streams now implement io.TextIOBase

interface and support all mandatory methods and properties.
parents 4deb0324 7c8c4b79
......@@ -417,10 +417,8 @@ class ModifiedInterpreter(InteractiveInterpreter):
except socket.timeout as err:
return None
# Can't regiter self.tkconsole.stdin, since wants to
# call non-TextIO methods on it (such as getvar)
# XXX should be renamed to "console"
self.rpcclt.register("stdin", self.tkconsole)
self.rpcclt.register("console", self.tkconsole)
self.rpcclt.register("stdin", self.tkconsole.stdin)
self.rpcclt.register("stdout", self.tkconsole.stdout)
self.rpcclt.register("stderr", self.tkconsole.stderr)
self.rpcclt.register("flist", self.tkconsole.flist)
......@@ -864,10 +862,10 @@ class PyShell(OutputWindow):
self.save_stderr = sys.stderr
self.save_stdin = sys.stdin
from idlelib import IOBinding
self.stdin = PseudoInputFile(self)
self.stdout = PseudoFile(self, "stdout", IOBinding.encoding)
self.stderr = PseudoFile(self, "stderr", IOBinding.encoding)
self.console = PseudoFile(self, "console", IOBinding.encoding)
self.stdin = PseudoInputFile(self, "stdin", IOBinding.encoding)
self.stdout = PseudoOutputFile(self, "stdout", IOBinding.encoding)
self.stderr = PseudoOutputFile(self, "stderr", IOBinding.encoding)
self.console = PseudoOutputFile(self, "console", IOBinding.encoding)
if not use_subprocess:
sys.stdout = self.stdout
sys.stderr = self.stderr
......@@ -1275,36 +1273,82 @@ class PyShell(OutputWindow):
return 'disabled'
return super().rmenu_check_paste()
class PseudoFile(object):
class PseudoFile(io.TextIOBase):
def __init__(self, shell, tags, encoding=None): = shell
self.tags = tags
self.encoding = encoding
self._encoding = encoding
def encoding(self):
return self._encoding
def name(self):
return '<%s>' % self.tags
def isatty(self):
return True
class PseudoOutputFile(PseudoFile):
def writable(self):
return True
def write(self, s):
if self.closed:
raise ValueError("write to closed file")
if not isinstance(s, str):
raise TypeError('must be str, not ' + type(s).__name__)
return, self.tags)
def writelines(self, lines):
for line in lines:
def flush(self):
class PseudoInputFile(PseudoFile):
def isatty(self):
return True
def __init__(self, shell, tags, encoding=None):
PseudoFile.__init__(self, shell, tags, encoding)
self._line_buffer = ''
class PseudoInputFile(object):
def __init__(self, shell):
self.readline = shell.readline
self.isatty = shell.isatty
def readable(self):
return True
def write(self, s):
raise io.UnsupportedOperation("not writable")
writelines = write
def read(self, size=-1):
if self.closed:
raise ValueError("read from closed file")
if size is None:
size = -1
elif not isinstance(size, int):
raise TypeError('must be int, not ' + type(size).__name__)
result = self._line_buffer
self._line_buffer = ''
if size < 0:
while True:
line =
if not line: break
result += line
while len(result) < size:
line =
if not line: break
result += line
self._line_buffer = result[size:]
result = result[:size]
return result
def readline(self, size=-1):
if self.closed:
raise ValueError("read from closed file")
if size is None:
size = -1
elif not isinstance(size, int):
raise TypeError('must be int, not ' + type(size).__name__)
line = self._line_buffer or
if size < 0:
size = len(line)
self._line_buffer = line[size:]
return line[:size]
usage_msg = """\
......@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ from idlelib import RemoteDebugger
from idlelib import RemoteObjectBrowser
from idlelib import StackViewer
from idlelib import rpc
from idlelib import PyShell
from idlelib import IOBinding
import __main__
......@@ -277,63 +279,24 @@ class MyRPCServer(rpc.RPCServer):
quitting = True
class _RPCFile(io.TextIOBase):
"""Wrapper class for the RPC proxy to typecheck arguments
that may not support pickling. The base class is there only
to support type tests; all implementations come from the remote
def __init__(self, rpc):
super.__setattr__(self, 'rpc', rpc)
def __getattribute__(self, name):
# When accessing the 'rpc' attribute, or 'write', use ours
if name in ('rpc', 'write', 'writelines'):
return io.TextIOBase.__getattribute__(self, name)
# Else only look into the remote object only
return getattr(self.rpc, name)
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
return setattr(self.rpc, name, value)
def _ensure_string(func):
def f(self, s):
if not isinstance(s, str):
raise TypeError('must be str, not ' + type(s).__name__)
return func(self, s)
return f
class _RPCOutputFile(_RPCFile):
def write(self, s):
if not isinstance(s, str):
raise TypeError('must be str, not ' + type(s).__name__)
return self.rpc.write(s)
class _RPCInputFile(_RPCFile):
def write(self, s):
raise io.UnsupportedOperation("not writable")
writelines = write
class MyHandler(rpc.RPCHandler):
def handle(self):
"""Override base method"""
executive = Executive(self)
self.register("exec", executive)
self.console = self.get_remote_proxy("stdin")
sys.stdin = _RPCInputFile(self.console)
sys.stdout = _RPCOutputFile(self.get_remote_proxy("stdout"))
sys.stderr = _RPCOutputFile(self.get_remote_proxy("stderr"))
self.console = self.get_remote_proxy("console")
sys.stdin = PyShell.PseudoInputFile(self.console, "stdin",
sys.stdout = PyShell.PseudoOutputFile(self.console, "stdout",
sys.stderr = PyShell.PseudoOutputFile(self.console, "stderr",
sys.displayhook = rpc.displayhook
# page help() text to shell.
import pydoc # import must be done here to capture i/o binding
pydoc.pager = pydoc.plainpager
from idlelib import IOBinding
sys.stdin.encoding = sys.stdout.encoding = \
sys.stderr.encoding = IOBinding.encoding
self.interp = self.get_remote_proxy("interp")
rpc.RPCHandler.getresponse(self, myseq=None, wait=0.05)
......@@ -150,6 +150,9 @@ Core and Builtins
- Issue #9290: In IDLE the sys.std* streams now implement io.TextIOBase
interface and support all mandatory methods and properties.
- Issue #13454: Fix a crash when deleting an iterator created by itertools.tee()
if all other iterators were very advanced before.
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