Commit a5cfcad0 authored by Gregory P. Smith's avatar Gregory P. Smith

Prevent ioctl op codes from being sign extended from int to unsigned long

when used on platforms that actually define ioctl as taking an unsigned long.
(the BSDs and OS X / Darwin)

Adds a unittest for fcntl.ioctl that tests what happens with both positive and
negative numbers.

This was done because of issue1471 but I'm not able to reproduce -that- problem
in the first place on Linux 32bit or 64bit or OS X 10.4 & 10.5 32bit or 64 bit.
parent 48581c5f
......@@ -50,6 +50,8 @@ The module defines the following functions:
operations are typically defined in the library module :mod:`termios` and the
argument handling is even more complicated.
The op parameter is limited to values that can fit in 32-bits.
The parameter *arg* can be one of an integer, absent (treated identically to the
integer ``0``), an object supporting the read-only buffer interface (most likely
a plain Python string) or an object supporting the read-write buffer interface.
......@@ -5,12 +5,18 @@ OS/2+EMX doesn't support the file locking operations.
import struct
import fcntl
import os, sys
import os
import struct
import sys
import unittest
from test.test_support import verbose, TESTFN, unlink, run_unittest
# TODO - Write tests for ioctl(), flock() and lockf().
import termios
except ImportError:
termios = None
def get_lockdata():
if sys.platform.startswith('atheos'):
......@@ -82,8 +88,29 @@ class TestFcntl(unittest.TestCase):
class TestIoctl(unittest.TestCase):
if termios:
def test_ioctl_signed_unsigned_code_param(self):
if termios.TIOCSWINSZ < 0:
set_winsz_opcode_maybe_neg = termios.TIOCSWINSZ
set_winsz_opcode_pos = termios.TIOCSWINSZ & 0xffffffffL
set_winsz_opcode_pos = termios.TIOCSWINSZ
set_winsz_opcode_maybe_neg, = struct.unpack("i",
struct.pack("I", termios.TIOCSWINSZ))
# We're just testing that these calls do not raise exceptions.
saved_winsz = fcntl.ioctl(0, termios.TIOCGWINSZ, "\0"*8)
our_winsz = struct.pack("HHHH",80,25,0,0)
# test both with a positive and potentially negative ioctl code
new_winsz = fcntl.ioctl(0, set_winsz_opcode_pos, our_winsz)
new_winsz = fcntl.ioctl(0, set_winsz_opcode_maybe_neg, our_winsz)
fcntl.ioctl(0, set_winsz_opcode_maybe_neg, saved_winsz)
def test_main():
if __name__ == '__main__':
......@@ -97,11 +97,20 @@ fcntl_ioctl(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
#define IOCTL_BUFSZ 1024
int fd;
/* In PyArg_ParseTuple below, use the unsigned int 'I' format for
the signed int 'code' variable, because Python turns 0x8000000
into a large positive number (PyLong, or PyInt on 64-bit
platforms,) whereas C expects it to be a negative int */
int code;
/* In PyArg_ParseTuple below, we use the unsigned non-checked 'I'
format for the 'code' parameter because Python turns 0x8000000
into either a large positive number (PyLong or PyInt on 64-bit
platforms) or a negative number on others (32-bit PyInt)
whereas the system expects it to be a 32bit bit field value
regardless of it being passed as an int or unsigned long on
various platforms. See the termios.TIOCSWINSZ constant across
platforms for an example of thise.
If any of the 64bit platforms ever decide to use more than 32bits
in their unsigned long ioctl codes this will break and need
special casing based on the platform being built on.
unsigned int code;
int arg;
int ret;
char *str;
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