Commit a5fbda57 authored by Fred Drake's avatar Fred Drake

Added the convenience constants that are present in PyXML to make these

more similar.
parent 7914f47f
......@@ -112,6 +112,40 @@ raise an \exception{ImportError}. The features list must be a sequence of
(feature, version) pairs which are passed to hasFeature.
Some convenience constants are also provided:
The value used to indicate that no namespace is associated with a
node in the DOM. This is typically found as the
\member{namespaceURI} of a node, or used as the \var{namespaceURI}
parameter to a namespaces-specific method.
The namespace URI associated with the reserved prefix \code{xml}, as
defined by
\citetitle[]{Namespaces in XML}
The namespace URI for namespace declarations, as defined by
Object Model (DOM) Level 2 Core Specification} (section~1.1.8).
The URI of the XHTML namespace as defined by
\citetitle[]{XHTML 1.0: The Extensible
HyperText Markup Language} (section~3.1.1).
% Should the Node documentation go here?
In addition, \module{xml.dom} contains a base \class{Node} class and
......@@ -124,6 +158,7 @@ concrete \class{Node} objects; they are located within the class
rather than at the module level to conform with the DOM
\subsection{Objects in the DOM \label{dom-objects}}
The definitive documentation for the DOM is the DOM specification from
......@@ -116,4 +116,10 @@ class NamespaceErr(DOMException):
class InvalidAccessErr(DOMException):
from domreg import getDOMImplementation,registerDOMImplementation
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