Commit a6e117a6 authored by Guido van Rossum's avatar Guido van Rossum

removed some harsh words and added some clarifications

parent fce14ebe
......@@ -98,20 +98,21 @@ that same prefix to Freeze with the -p option:
python -p your-prefix
(If you haven't run "make libainstall" yet, go and do it now and don't
come back until you've done it.)
If you haven't run "make libainstall" yet, you should do it now
(perhaps figuring out first *where* you want everything to be
How do I configure Freeze?
It's a good idea to change the line marked with XXX in (an
assignment to variable PACK) to point to the absolute pathname of the
directory where Freeze lives (Tools/freeze in the Python source tree.)
This makes it possible to call Freeze from other directories.
It's a good idea to change the first line marked with XXX in
(an assignment to variable PACK) to point to the absolute pathname of
the directory where Freeze lives (Tools/freeze in the Python source
tree.) This makes it possible to call Freeze from other directories.
You can also edit the assignment to variable PREFIX -- this saves a
lot of -p options.
You can also edit the assignment to variable PREFIX (also marked with
XXX) -- this saves a lot of -p options.
How do I use Freeze with extensions modules?
......@@ -127,7 +128,6 @@ XXX to be written. (In short: pass -e modulebuilddir -- this even
works if you built the modules in Python's own Modules directory.)
What do I do next?
......@@ -141,20 +141,29 @@ In any case, the name of the file will be printed as the last message
from Freeze.
Help! I've tried everything but it doesn't work!
If you have trouble using Freeze for a large program, it's probably
best to start playing with a really simple program first (like the
file If you can't get that to work there's something
fundamentally wrong -- read the text above to find out how to install
relevant parts of Python properly and how to configure Freeze to find
A common problem is having installed an old version -- rerunning "make
libainstall" often clears up problems with missing modules or
libraries at link time.
Freeze is currently beta software. You could email me a bug report.
Please give as much context as possible -- "Freeze doesn't work" is
not going to get much sympathy. You could fix the bug and send me a
patch. You could learn Tcl.
What is
If you are thinking about debugging Freeze, start playing with a
really simple program first (like "print 'hello world'"). If you
can't get that to work there's something fundamentally wrong with your
environment (or with your understanding of it). Gradually build it up
to use more modules and extensions until you find where it stops
working. After that, you're on your own -- happy hacking!
The script is an unsupported variant on which
creates all files in a temporary directory and runs "make" there. It
has the advantage that it doesn't overwrite files in the current
directory, but the disadvantage is that it removes all files when it
is finished.
--Guido van Rossum, CWI, Amsterdam <>
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